Load warning CJ's Sims 4 adventures
Well, Lucy had a birthday party :D . Here she is, being carried by Cheryl, who's helping her to blow out the candles, before turning from a toddler into a child:

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Unfortunately, after the party ended, Lucy became sad :( . Here she is, being comforted by Ashley... thus proving that siblings don't always fight :P :

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Meanwhile, Kyle has been... not entirely faithful to his new wife :( . The next evening, Jocelyn came over to visit... and he started flirting with her -_- . When she wasn't interested in him, he had another go at throwing a drink in her face... and it worked this time:

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Though, he did get his comeuppance, when he 'did a Conor', and peed himself:

[Image: VOPUERE.jpg]

What is it with the men in this game :lol: ? I swear this never happens to the women, or even the children!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Once he'd recovered from his little accident, Kyle decided to take Cheryl to the gym. He's working out on a treadmill; however, since she's expecting her first child with him, she decided it was better to just stand and watch:

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After this, Kyle decided to go and visit one of his neighbours, who was hosting a barbecue. Unfortunately, he wasn't very good at it - and he unintentionally became the barbecue:

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Sadly, the poor neighbour didn't survive that :( . The only person who was dining happily that evening was the Grim Reaper:

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Although, on a happier note, Lucy and Ashley are getting on well at school. They've made friends with a classmate called Lily, and invited her over to their house:

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Though, I do feel a bit sorry for the adults... how are they going to keep control of three mischievous kids :lol: ?
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

(This post was last modified: 05-27-2021, 08:22 PM by Kyng.)
We start with a sad one: Katrina passed away :( . Here she's been mourned by her daughter Nina, and her son-in-law Conor:

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But on a happier note, Lydia finally had something nice happen to her. She proposed to Brooks - and he accepted :D :

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Also, Kyle had a nice birthday party at the bar, with a lovely blue confetti cake. However, the best present of all came from Cheryl - who gave birth to Kyle's first child. I was going to call the baby Conor; however, it turned out to be a girl, so I've instead called her Connie :P :

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Unfortunately for Cheryl, while she's been busy taking care of Connie, Kyle hasn't been spending much time with either of them. Instead, he's still pursuing Jocelyn... and, it's going a bit better now:

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Maybe Jocelyn liked Kyle all along, and she was just playing hard to get; I don't know :P . But, either way, Cheryl doesn't know about his affair with her... yet :-/ .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Well, the family are clearly still upset about Katrina's death - because Nina and Cheryl have been watering the plants by crying their eyes out :( . Or maybe they're just sat that their visitor, Summer Holiday, has such a stupid name:

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Conor, on the other hand, cheered himself up by buying a new wall-mounted TV for the living room. Here he is, watching with Summer (who stinks and desperately needs a shower - so Conor simply sent her home after this :lol: ):

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Meanwhile, over at Brooks's house, there was another barbecue fire -_- . I believe it was started by his sister Cortney; however, it was Lydia who put it out, using the firefighting skills she gained in her previous accident:

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Brooks was clearly impressed, because he decided to marry Lydia right there and then :lol: . There was no wedding party; just a small ceremony in front of their house, witnessed only by Kyle and Cortney:

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So, this means that Lydia's moving out of my household now - and into Brooks's. I might move them back in later on (if I can make space for them); however, for the time being, my household is now just Conor and Nina; Kyle and Cheryl; and all of their kids.
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Kyle's been quite busy lately :P . He's taken up painting as a hobby - and, here he is, about to start work on a new creation:

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But, when he's not painting, he's also spending a bit more time with his family. Here, he's reading his daughter Connie a bedtime story:

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However, that doesn't mean Kyle has forgotten about Jocelyn. He actually went out on a date to the night club with her (still without Cheryl's knowledge :-/ ). They started dancing... and they actually bumped into Lydia, but she decided not to dance: instead, she's just sitting on a chair behind them :P . However, the ghost of Katrina also came along - and she actually is dancing in the background:

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And, speaking of the departed... I'm sad to announce that the time finally came for Conor to pass away :'( . Several of his housemates came to his room, and both Nina and Kyle immediately broke down in tears at his death... but, Cheryl was more concerned about the fact that she really has to pee :facepalm: :

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Nice job, Cheryl. This was my last memory of Conor - and you really threw the tone off :lol: .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)


After the death of Conor, things just weren't the same :( . I knew it was coming, but for me, he was simply such an important part of my game, that I wasn't sure how to carry on without him. As a result, I took a week off from the game, in order to figure out how best to proceed (and also to play some other games that I'd been neglecting :lol: ).

In the end, this is what I came up with:

  • Conor's widow Nina, and their daughters Ashley and Lucy, will be moving out (because without Conor, they're simply not that interesting TBH). They'll be moving back into the Caliente household (effectively replacing Katrina, who just passed away).
  • Lydia and Brooks will be moving back in, to take their place.

Now, before Nina moved out, she had the sad task of burying Conor. Now that it's done, she's mourning him, together with Ashley and Lucy:

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But, as I said above, they're no longer living there - so now, it's just Kyle and Cheryl, their daughter Connie, and Brooks and Lydia. (And also these two new arrivals... it turns out that, during her brief stay at Brooks's house, Lydia gave birth to twin sons, named Nelson and Orion:

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As for Connie, she's growing up, and trying to tackle the stairs. Sadly, she's not quite ready to climb them unassisted - and she's slipping down them :( :

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But, on a more positive note, Kyle finished his painting:

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If I'm being honest, it's not very good :lol: . But, maybe his next ones will be better?
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Well, Conor just couldn't stay away :lol: ! He's come back as a ghost, to sit and chat with Lydia:

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Meanwhile, little Connie gave up on climbing the stairs: she's just not ready for it :( . Instead, she's exploring the lounge - where she's discovered a guitar. However, she's not actually playing it yet; instead, she's just staring at it and wondering what it is:

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Meanwhile, Cheryl has made some new additions to her garden. There are four pots for apple trees - and, in the background, she's grafted some lily and snapdragon plants together to make orchid:

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If you're into this game, then you can probably see where this is going :hehe: ...
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
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Well, the twins aged up - so now, they're toddlers :D . They've taken over Conor's and Nina's old room, with their double bed being replaced by two single toddler beds - but, other than that, no redecoration has been done yet. That's something I'll probably need to do, because their room just looks odd right now :-/ :

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Of course, what followed was a whole string of toddler-induced chaos. First of all, Orion got mad because neither of his parents was around to put him in his high chair:

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Connie started messing with pots and pans while Cheryl was trying to cook dinner:

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Nelson started playing in the toilet:

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And then Connie wanted to tell somebody about her toys - and, in the absence of any adults, she decided to talk to Nelson. Unfortunately, he can't talk yet - so he got a bit frustrated with Connie:

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I don't think Kyle, Cheryl, Brooks and Lydia are getting very high marks for parenting right now :lol: !!!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Well, the redecoration of the twins' bedroom is complete :) . Orion seems to be pretty happy with the job I've done... but Nelson, not so much -_- :

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Also, there's another new arrival: Cheryl and Kyle had another baby girl, called Siobhan. This actually happened before any of my 'toddler chaos' screenshots (and Siobhan is almost a toddler herself now :P ), but I didn't seem to fit in narratively with my previous post, so I saved it for this one:

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Unfortunately, Connie didn't want a sister... so, when she found out that Siobhan existed, she started crying :( :

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But, in case you think it's only the toddlers who are causing chaos in this household... here's Brooks, playing in the rubbish that he's supposed to be cleaning up :facepalm: :

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Seriously, what is wrong with these people :-/ ??? The toddlers get a pass, because they don't know any better, but the adults... ugh -_- .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

I decided to put together a little genealogy for my Sims, in order to give my screenshot spam a little more context :lol: . Here's what I've got at the moment - and I hope it's easy enough to understand:

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Anyway, now that I've figured out how to make basements, I've added one underneath the lounge. This has all of the creative stuff (so, arts, music, and so on). Lydia decided to have a go at painting - and, while it's still pretty basic, I think I prefer it over Kyle's earlier effort :P :

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Meanwhile, Siobhan became a toddler, and Connie became a child:

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Now that she's a no longer a toddler, Connie is picking up some new skills. Here she is, trying her hand at fishing:

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She caught a couple of goldfish - who were useless for cooking, so she just kept them as pets instead, and named them 'Goldeen' and 'Magikarp':

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Will Magikarp eventually evolve into a Gyarados? Don't bet on it :lol: !
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
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