Things that are widely believed, but not true
(10-22-2023, 10:49 PM)JHG Wrote: Anyone familiar with Merlin the Magician? He didn't have his iconic white bearded wizard look until the native Celts(who were culturally Anglo-Saxon years centuries before which is a whole other story...) got influenced by the king of the Norse gods Odin and redesigned Merlin to have a similar white beard. Before then, Merlin was an...anime pretty boy in appearance.

Interesting stuff :) .

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised that they would've been influenced by the Norse gods... I thought the Celts had long since been Christianized by that point!

(Then again, this would hardly be the only example of Norse influence over our culture... *cough* days of the week *cough*)
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Maybe it shows Christians had a habit of adopting pagan elements to a larger extent than one might expect-until they decided on crusading. 
Speaking of which, the idea of Anglo-Saxon genocide and replacement of Celts is seriously outdated. What actually happened was that the nobility became Anglo-Saxon and the culture became more Anglo-Saxon with Celtic languages going extinct until resurrected by the Internet and linguistic reconstructions. Modern British Islanders actually genetically have more in common with the native Celts rather than Anglo-Saxons. This may also be confusion with armies, whole peoples and the rulers of the peoples with commoners excluded from chronicles for the most part.
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Anyone remember Rasputin and how he was stabbed 50 times, shot several times, fed poisoned cakes, and thrown into the river to drown? Turns out the source was dubious from the start. Felix Yusupov just shot him in the head with a Webley revolver and made up the embellished details in his memoirs to demonize Rasputin and make his own victory look more impressive. Rasputin was under contract not to reveal his purpose which was to treat Prince Alexei's hemophilia; If he had come clean to the court which included Yusupov, he would be acting in violation of his contract. As for the Webley, no, it doesn't necessarily mean Yusupov was working with the British; The Webley was standard issue as a sidearm for the British Armed Forces of the time but it was a common battlefield weapon and sporting weapon too.

(05-04-2021, 12:47 AM)JHG Wrote: The idea Boba Fett was a super lucky no-name is not entirely accurate. He was a major antagonist in the animated segment of the Star Wars Holiday special(which is the only part of the special to be legally available.) and referred to as the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy and right hand man of Vader himself so Boba Fett was always meant to be important.

Fett was intended to be a much bigger figure than he ended up being in the original trilogy. Lucas envisioned the Star Wars saga as being a lot longer and that Fett would be the main antagonist in one of the theoretical films. The Mandalorians were also supposed to play a bigger role but instead didn't get featured at all.

Hermione Granger was FAR from the “nice girl” and perfect hero seen in the films. Putting aside the bushier hair and buckteeth(which actually got resized to be more form fitting after a mishap with Malfoy), Hermione was pretty ruthless in the source material. This is the girl who petrified Neville Longbottom just for getting in the way(but he got Gryffindor a win for standing up to his friends so…pass?), insulted Lavender Brown after her rabbit was eaten by a fox, idolized Gilderoy Lockhart(I know he’s hot but not THAT hot and also suckish), trapped a reporter in a jar(to be fair, Skeeter had slandered her so pass), and branded the word SNEAK on Marietta Edgecombe. Hermione is still a hero but nowhere near a totally nice girl. As for her belong in Ravenclaw, that was debunked in the first book when she said she valued friendship and courage more. The films have a pretty bad habit of just scrubbing off her flaws and that’s the version that stuck.
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(03-29-2024, 05:13 PM)JHG Wrote: Hermione Granger was FAR from the “nice girl” and perfect hero seen in the films. Putting aside the bushier hair and buckteeth(which actually got resized to be more form fitting after a mishap with Malfoy), Hermione was pretty ruthless in the source material. This is the girl who petrified Neville Longbottom just for getting in the way(but he got Gryffindor a win for standing up to his friends so…pass?), insulted Lavender Brown after her rabbit was eaten by a fox, idolized Gilderoy Lockhart(I know he’s hot but not THAT hot and also suckish), trapped a reporter in a jar(to be fair, Skeeter had slandered her so pass), and branded the word SNEAK on Marietta Edgecombe. Hermione is still a hero but nowhere near a totally nice girl. As for her belong in Ravenclaw, that was debunked in the first book when she said she valued friendship and courage more. The films have a pretty bad habit of just scrubbing off her flaws and that’s the version that stuck.

Yeah, it does annoy me a bit that the film version of Hermione ended up as something of a Mary Sue... she had flaws in the books, but those were downplayed (or outright removed) in the films.

Of course, Ron got the opposite treatment... his flaws were exaggerated in the films (other than the first one, where he really was on an equal footing with the other two members of the trio). And some of Ron's best lines from the books got given to Hermione in the films -_- .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
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(This post was last modified: 03-30-2024, 01:02 AM by JHG.)
(03-29-2024, 05:18 PM)Kyng Wrote:
(03-29-2024, 05:13 PM)JHG Wrote: Hermione Granger was FAR from the “nice girl” and perfect hero seen in the films. Putting aside the bushier hair and buckteeth(which actually got resized to be more form fitting after a mishap with Malfoy), Hermione was pretty ruthless in the source material. This is the girl who petrified Neville Longbottom just for getting in the way(but he got Gryffindor a win for standing up to his friends so…pass?), insulted Lavender Brown after her rabbit was eaten by a fox, idolized Gilderoy Lockhart(I know he’s hot but not THAT hot and also suckish), trapped a reporter in a jar(to be fair, Skeeter had slandered her so pass), and branded the word SNEAK on Marietta Edgecombe. Hermione is still a hero but nowhere near a totally nice girl. As for her belong in Ravenclaw, that was debunked in the first book when she said she valued friendship and courage more. The films have a pretty bad habit of just scrubbing off her flaws and that’s the version that stuck.

Yeah, it does annoy me a bit that the film version of Hermione ended up as something of a Mary Sue... she had flaws in the books, but those were downplayed (or outright removed) in the films.

Of course, Ron got the opposite treatment... his flaws were exaggerated in the films (other than the first one, where he really was on an equal footing with the other two members of the trio). And some of Ron's best lines from the books got given to Hermione in the films -_- .

A bit? Try so much I sometimes feel like calmly wrecking the solar system and sneezing the Galaxy to bits. Proves that the filmmakers are Hermione shills who can’t stand the thought of her being wrong and feel they need to degrade Ronald too.
Speaking of which, I could maybe make an entry on how Dumbledore shouldn’t be dropkicking Galactus in the balls, backflipping over tables, and shattering planets when asking calmly but it’s well known enough.

(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 04:04 PM by JHG.)
No Frank Miller and Zach Snyder, Sparta was not a progressive paradise with modern ideals of gender equality and abolition. It was a slave driver's paradise and a real life dystopia for like, 70% of the population which were helots aka SLAVES. There wasn't even a way to add to the Spartiate/true citizen class other than birth while there were plenty of ways to lose it like selling off land and being unable to pay the dues for mess halls or being politically disgraced from cowardice. As for the "come back with your shield or on it" it's really more of an ideal; Spartans fighting on were praised but doing the smart thing and retreating wasn't shameful either. As for the Agoge, it was more of an indoctrination/gaslighting camp than a military school with super soldier training(putting aside the absurdity someone can become ultra muscular from barely eating much) so Spartans weren't THAT much better than other hoplites. Also, hoplite combat was ALL Spartans ever did and relegated their skirmisher, cavalry, and fire support roles to either auxiliaries, periokoi(not slave laborers), or helots forced to fight. Other city states did condemn Sparta for mistreating their slaves and sure it looks hypocritical but it was also because Spartan slaves were mistreated more than slaves in other Ancient Greek city states. So no, Sparta was not a good role model for empire building.
Detailed even better in these sources:
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'You can catch cold by going out in the rain'.

False, Colds are caused by viruses.
'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.
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(03-31-2024, 04:58 PM)MamaFrankie Wrote: 'You can catch cold by going out in the rain'.

False, Colds are caused by viruses.

I'm pretty sure by now barely anyone believes that.
Sure the Mongol Empire was mighty, progressive, brutal, and just plain huge but only a little fraction was actually conquered by Genghis Khan; At the time of his death, the empire only contained all of Mongolia, part of Northern China, Central Asia, and parts of Asian Russia. He didn't even conquer it solo. Subutai was if anything, an even better general and was a loyal lieutenant to Genghis and his successor Ogedei; Blame my Top ten greatest generals list.

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