(09-09-2021, 03:30 PM)Cory Wrote: I'm sure you are right, but I'm just being honest that this is probably easier said for women than men because at least in the society we live in men are generally the ones to initiate dating. Women generally get more attention in the field of dating than men do, based on what I've read and seen. I'm 31 and not a single woman has ever asked me out, I myself have asked 6 women out my whole life. I'm sorry if this statement sounds sexist, but it's just based on general speculation.
That's really not what I meant.

Although, I do get what you are saying. What I meant was that once you have a partner, it's fun to have someone to share your life with, at least in my experience. As a woman, I've actually done more initiation with dating, the few times I have wanted a partner. I think it bit me in the ass in the end because I'd seem desperate asking if they like me over and over because honestly.. I can't figure that out.

Sometimes you are lead on but I am not saying that this goes for all men. I'd say women do it, too.

Anyway, I do agree with you. It is sexist. Men are expected to do things for women and it can make it all the more awkward if you can't figure out what the woman wants. I'd say that women should start helping out and initiate dating and paying for dinner.
sloo: "Fanservice is whatever you envision it to be. Do you think Todd Howard made Skyrim envisioning Nilla's utter lust for tentacles?
sloo:"I make every woman take a quiz. If she can't tell me the differences between Vivec and Sotha Sil I'm forced to push her off a cliff"
Nilla: "I hate Todd Howard because he killed Nerevar and Sotha Sil."
sloo: "Nerevar's on vacation and Sotha lives in a computer chill"