Random interesting facts
Now, a bucketload of facts from me... here we go!
  • The giant panda bear, is actually of the raccoon family, despite its name
  • Other than humans, pigs and walruses can suffer from sunburn.
  • Lobsters have blue blood.
  • A wedding's 'best man' originally got his title for helping the groom to kidnap the bride.
  • The Taj Mahal was originally built as a tomb.
  • New Zealand was the first country to give women the right to vote, in 1893.
  • The "bulge" of Battle Of The Bulge referred to a break in the Allied Lines caused by a German advance.
  • Somalia has the most number of camels.
  • If we get goosebumps all over our bodies, chimpanzees get them on their face.
  • Verkhoyansk, in Russia, has the most diverse temperature range, where it can be a freezing -67°C to a scorching 86°C in a single day.
  • John Adams was the first US president to actually reside in the White House.
  • The “funny bone” takes it name from the humerus bone itself, when one injures his/her elbow (well, get the pun there?)
  • Sunglasses, of all vision aids, were invented long before all others.
  • An octopus has three hearts.
  • A dactylogram is another term for a fingerprint.
  • Ecuador has the widest variety of hummingbirds.
  • People think only Noah himself was on Noah's Ark... there were actually eight people aboard there.
  • The number of the Levi 501 brand of jeans referred to the original number of rivets per pair sold.
  • Crocodile tears, an expression showing false emotion, derives from the fact that crocodiles have no tear ducts.
  • A cricket hears from its knee.
  • If you suffer from optophobia, you are afraid of opening your eyes.
  • The original recipe for toothpaste was human urine and vinegar, as devised by the Romans.
  • Kilts and bagpipes did not originate in Scotland as what people would always assume. In truth, they were from France and Ancient Rome respectively.
  • Left-handed people are forbidden to play polo.
  • The rings that make up the Olympic symbol contain an individual colour that appear in every national flag.
  • Sheep will not drink from a stream if it's running.
  • Women are said to be better dancers than men because of a lower centre of gravity.
  • The Greek mathematician, Archimedes, allegedly ran down the street in his birthday suit shouting “Eureka!” after a great discovery he made.
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  • Eremurus

Vlad the Impaler was trained as a Jannisary.
Jiro Horikoshi’s children never pursued careers in aircraft engineering.
PS Actually, the giant panda is a bear.

The letter "T" is the most-used consonant in the English language, and coming before that is "N".

(Funny, I would've thought "S" would be the popular one because, thousands of words begin with it)
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Dasani water is not available in the UK, because of a scandal soon after it was launched here. 

It was discovered that the Dasani water sold in the UK was just re-bottled tap water. This completely destroyed the brand's reputation here, so it was withdrawn altogether and hasn't been brought back since.
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
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  • Eremurus

(This post was last modified: 08-18-2018, 05:38 AM by Eremurus.)
  • That little plastic thing at the end of your shoelace? It's called an aglet. 
  • There's a protein named "sonic hedgehog." It is, not surprisingly, encoded by the Sonic Hedgehog gene (I'm guessing whoever discovered it was a Sega fan!). The gene is involved in embryonic development and growth, and there are versions of it found in most animals. http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/Molb...dgehog.htm
  • Snails have teeth
  •  The temperature outside can be determined by counting the chirps made by crickets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cricket_%28insect%29


The 2016 remake of Ben-Hur did so poorly at the box office that it actually made less money than the 1959 original - in spite of having over half a century's worth of inflation on its side!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Kyng's post:
  • Eremurus

All those sabers you see depicted in 17th-19th century art? They're influenced by the Tulwar, an Indian sword. Likewise, Eastern Europeans preferred the kilij.

Dame Vera Lynn (known as "The Forces' Sweetheart" during World War II) topped the UK albums chart in 2009 at the age of 92 - making her the oldest living artist to accomplish this feat.
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Sora Takenouchi becomes a fashion designer.

Movie trailers used to be shown after the end of a movie, instead of before the beginning (hence the name 'trailer'). 

Easy to see why they were moved to their current location!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

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