08-03-2018, 12:35 PM
Now, a bucketload of facts from me... here we go!
- The giant panda bear, is actually of the raccoon family, despite its name
- Other than humans, pigs and walruses can suffer from sunburn.
- Lobsters have blue blood.
- A wedding's 'best man' originally got his title for helping the groom to kidnap the bride.
- The Taj Mahal was originally built as a tomb.
- New Zealand was the first country to give women the right to vote, in 1893.
- The "bulge" of Battle Of The Bulge referred to a break in the Allied Lines caused by a German advance.
- Somalia has the most number of camels.
- If we get goosebumps all over our bodies, chimpanzees get them on their face.
- Verkhoyansk, in Russia, has the most diverse temperature range, where it can be a freezing -67°C to a scorching 86°C in a single day.
- John Adams was the first US president to actually reside in the White House.
- The “funny bone” takes it name from the humerus bone itself, when one injures his/her elbow (well, get the pun there?)
- Sunglasses, of all vision aids, were invented long before all others.
- An octopus has three hearts.
- A dactylogram is another term for a fingerprint.
- Ecuador has the widest variety of hummingbirds.
- People think only Noah himself was on Noah's Ark... there were actually eight people aboard there.
- The number of the Levi 501 brand of jeans referred to the original number of rivets per pair sold.
- Crocodile tears, an expression showing false emotion, derives from the fact that crocodiles have no tear ducts.
- A cricket hears from its knee.
- If you suffer from optophobia, you are afraid of opening your eyes.
- The original recipe for toothpaste was human urine and vinegar, as devised by the Romans.
- Kilts and bagpipes did not originate in Scotland as what people would always assume. In truth, they were from France and Ancient Rome respectively.
- Left-handed people are forbidden to play polo.
- The rings that make up the Olympic symbol contain an individual colour that appear in every national flag.
- Sheep will not drink from a stream if it's running.
- Women are said to be better dancers than men because of a lower centre of gravity.
- The Greek mathematician, Archimedes, allegedly ran down the street in his birthday suit shouting “Eureka!” after a great discovery he made.