AI Girlfriends and the Future of Dating & Marriage
So today I saw this article

"EVA AI, a platform allowing you to create and connect with your own AI partner, recently surveyed 2,000 men and found that 8 in 10 would consider marrying an AI girlfriend if it were legal.

Not only that, but 83% of men also believe they could form a deep emotional bond with an AI girlfriend. What’s even scarier is that a whopping 78% of men surveyed said they would consider creating a replica of their ex, and three-quarters would duplicate their current partner to create a “polished” version of them. "

Now fairly this is a very small pool of men (and apparently some women too) who are actively using an AI being interviewed so the entire study could be off. The study did show some interesting elements like the fact people are able to use AI to safely explore their own sexuality without feeling judged with one woman noting it helped her discover her own bisexuality. That said however the fact so many would marry an AI that can't feel anything for them? Heck for that matter the fact that so many use AI to make a "better" version of their ex? I find that a bit disturbing. I won't say these people aren't in love with their AI but I struggle to see it as being a healthy form of love. It kind of feels like the future evolution of a decade ago when people hated Photoshop for being able to make a woman look too perfect to where people raise their standards higher thinking they deserve this fantasy "perfection" in beauty except now the AI can have the "perfect" personality that will never demand anything of you. The AI will always tell you what you want to hear. It'll always fulfill any desires you have. It'll never be sad, it'll never be in pain, it'll never be tired and not want sex that night, it'll never change as it grows older, it'll never make demands on you or ask you to fulfill obligations you'd rather avoid. I can't see this as healthy. Not to mention the large number replicating their ex in AI form. These people will never have a healthy chance to move on if they glue themselves to an artificial version of their ex.
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And I thought people marrying robots was bad enough... <_<

…..I hate this. I hate this so much.

For once, I understand why so many friends of mine despise AI.


i feel like vomiting.

REAL WOMAN ARE NOT MONSTERS. It’s sad society sure thinks we are are…*tries to calm my nerves*

I would never choose AI over my real life girlfriend. No matter how tricky things are bonding with her. Ever. Ever. EVERRRR.

Her real life smiles are the cutest, most precious things in the world to me. Yes, it may take years for me and her to truly be close. Or maybe sooner than years. Either way, especially after seeing this post, no idea if I can even COPE if I don’t see her in person tomorrow…..*sigh* I need a diet soda now I swear this thread burns me up inside.

Hashtag END MISOGYNY. Please God may I not fall apart at the seams if I don’t see my crush tomorrow…I need to leave this thread. And logout of the net. The toxic, crazy internet.
Princesses love makeup and playing with makeup is just really pretty and fun :wub:
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Technology could never replace the real meaning of a true relationship between two people. Sadly, people are so lonely that they have to depend on technology to find a human-like "thing" to talk to help fill that void in their lives. I can understand the cure for loneliness, but I don't think AI should be used for relationships. I think there have already been a few suicides that were AI-related because AI said something wrong or misleading that made the person think twice about their life. Relationships were created to be a bind between two people, not a program that can always be programmed to say things to your benefit that you cannot learn from. This is coming from someone with 0% relationship experience.
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Well, could I form a deep bond with an AI girlfriend (assuming I was still single :P )?

I'd like to think I couldn't. However... AI has come an awfully long way in the past few years, and it has a habit of massively surpassing my expectations. Even if AI can't yet replicate the behaviour of a person who's in love (or the kind of behaviour that's required to win me over :P ), I suspect it wouldn't be that far off - and might be able to emulate that behaviour in a few years' time.

I suppose one argument here is: the AI girlfriend doesn't actually exist, and therefore, the person who's in love with her can't actually meet her. But... I hadn't met @ Opal Fruit prior to us getting together either: we communicated pretty much exclusively over text-based media (like Discord) up until that point. So, if I can fall in love with a real person by pretty much only communicating with them over text, I should theoretically be able to do the same with an AI (which can already communicate pretty convincingly over text...)

So, while I don't think I would ever willingly seek out a relationship with an "AI girlfriend", I can easily see myself being fooled into entering such a relationship :ermm: ...
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

I sometimes talk to the Snapchat AI bot if I’m bored. I definitely wouldn’t consider or be able to do something like this. I’m not sure why but it doesn’t surprise me that so many men would entertain the idea - again I am not sure why that is. General assumption and obviously not always true but I feel like women tend to be more emotionally mature than men, especially in relationships. I feel like although dating the AI bot would be weird, this could be a good tool to develop emotional intelligence and navigate certain issues from a therapeutic standpoint. M

Online relationships are becoming increasingly more common so yeah.
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