01-14-2025, 08:22 PM
I think pretty much anyone knows what this (humorously technically outdated) term means but for reference traditionally it meant what it says, ordering a wife from an ad from a catalog but in the modern day people associate it by people marrying women, usually from third world countries, through a service online. It's a controversial subject in many regards. One person will say they know someone who did it and they have a healthy, happy, loving marriage. Another person will note the man is abusive to the woman and simply wants a woman he can control. A third may note the woman doesn't love the man but stays in it for citizenship to a first world country and better economic opportunities. Others even say the man is the one scammed in the end when the woman leaves, sometimes because she really did pre-plan tolerating it just to get her true love and her family a better life. So what do you think of the mail order bride concept? Is it wrong? Is it exploitative of women down on their luck? Is it a non-traditional but still viable way to find love? Does it even perhaps say something about the men or women involved in this whether they're the customer or the bride?
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