08-21-2024, 11:27 PM
So I haven’t read many of these yet (I mostly borrow kids books, when I go to the library, mind you, so I got into these after awhile). But, what I read is addictingly fun for me and I wish these books lasted a little longer lol. Dr. Maniac seems so weird and dreamcore ish and interesting too. I duno if he is reoccurring in a lot of the books or not, but the one I read resently hinted he probably is. The only other book in the series I read was some “make your own adventure” one. Loved it so much!!! Best ending was the only good ending you could get where you….lose a video game to your little brother xD hahaha…
~Exploring the streets of wonderland and painting them red red red red~
…All while fancying my hair up with little ribbons :3 Find the cat, the rabbit, every strange little creature…