Paris 2024 Medal Table Prediction Contest
Red Ribbon 
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2024, 12:15 PM by Kyng.)
The 2024 Summer Olympic Games are currently kicking off in Paris - with the opening ceremony due later today. Over the course of the two-week event, a total of 329 gold medals will be up for grabs across a total of 32 sports....but which nations will win the most? All you need to do is predict the following two things:

1) The five nations that will win the most gold medals (in order), and;
2) The number of gold medals that the nation at the top of the table will win.

This contest will close five days into the games, on Wednesday, 31st July at 11:59pm GMT. At the end of the games, when all medals have been awarded, Coffee Credits will be awarded to those who made correct predictions, as follows:

  • 150 Coffee Credits for each top-5 nation predicted in the correct place (e.g. France predicted 4th, and they finish 4th);
  • 50 Coffee Credits for each top-5 nation predicted in a different place in the top 5 (e.g. France predicted 3rd, and they finish 5th);
  • 250 Coffee Credits for whoever gets closest to the winner's gold medal total (increased to 500 Coffee Credits if they get it exactly right);
  • A Rosettered Red Ribbon for the winner, if they win at least 800 Coffee Credits.

One final note: Russia and Belarus are banned due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, a small number of approved Russian and Belarusian athletes will be competing under the title "Individual Neutral Athletes". For the purposes of this contest, "Individual Neutral Athletes" counts as a single 'nation'.

Good luck, everybody :) !
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

My predictions:

1st place: United States USA
2nd place: China China
3rd place: France France
4th place: Japan Japan
5th place: Germany Germany

I predict that the top-placed team will win 42 gold medals.
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

(This post was last modified: 07-29-2024, 09:29 PM by J-Ster.)
1st place: USA
2nd place: China
3rd place: Japan
4th place: France
5th place: UK

I predict the top-placed team will win 45 gold medals.

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(This post was last modified: 07-29-2024, 04:50 PM by Kyng.)
(07-29-2024, 10:43 AM)J-Ster Wrote: I predict the USA will win 45 gold medals.

I should note here that Part 2 will be scored entirely separately from Part 1: you'll still get points for guessing the winning nation's medal count correctly, even if it isn't the same nation that you had coming first in Part 1.

So if, for example, China tops the medal table with 45 gold medals, then you'll still receive the 500 Coffee Credits for getting the top team's medal table exactly right :) .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

(This post was last modified: 07-29-2024, 07:03 PM by Cool Cory.)
1st: USA
2nd: China
3rd: France
4th: Australia
5th: UK

I'm guessing the USA will win 39 medals

(This post was last modified: 07-31-2024, 04:21 PM by Kyng.)
So far, my Germany prediction is not looking very good:

[Image: tDW9Pi1.png]

I'll stick with it, just in case their best events are later in the Games, but... it's not a great start!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Well, the contest is over, and the results were as follows:

1st place: United States USA (Everyone gets 150CC)
2nd place: China China (Everyone gets 150CC)
3rd place: Japan Japan (J-Ster gets 150CC; Kyng gets 50CC)
4th place: Australia Australia (Cool Cory gets 150CC)
5th place: France France (Everyone gets 50CC)

As for the winner's gold medal total: the USA won 40 gold medals. Cool Cory came closest here (with 39) - and thus, wins an additional 250CC.

Thus, the final totals are:

@ Cool Cory: 750CC
@ J-Ster: 500CC
@ Kyng: 400CC

Congrats to Cool Cory on winning! Sadly, he just missed out on the ribbon - but, he did get 750CC :) .

Thanks for entering, to those who did!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

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