Cross-post of the RPG from the old forum:


This RPG is a direct sequel to both "Asleep" and "Fantasy World", which takes place one year after the events of those two RPGs. 

Prince Kyle of Lennart Kingdom, and Princess Aliana of New Atlantis, had once been inseparable friends. However, their relationship eventually deteriorated - and, ever since their final falling-out at the end of Asleep, they haven't spoken to each other. The question is: must it remain this way forever, or is there hope that they will one day heal their wounds? 

There's no sign-up sheet for this, because I'm afraid I won't be accepting sign-ups for anybody other than myself and Megan here. This is simply because it's a direct continuation of a story the two of us have spent a year and a half writing, and it essentially picks up where the two previous RPGs left off. For an RPG which takes place in the same universe, but doesn't depend on any previously-written content, I'd instead recommend Legacy of New Atlantis

The two of us will be continuing to use the characters we established in the previous RPGs. Here's what they've been up to in the year since Asleep ended: 

Characters still living in New Atlantis

Nestor: Is now the Duke of New Atlantis again, after his son Lysander turned out to be a useless ruler (who was eventually forced to resign). He did have an operation to re-align his spine - so, he's less clumsy than he used to be. However, he's become even more grumpy: at 52 years old, he had hoped to be enjoying retirement, rather than still ruling. 

Cassandra: Nestor's long-suffering wife has been spending most of the past year dedicated to constructing a new body for Chris, after his old one faded. Now, she's close to completing it. 

Aliana: Is set to become the next ruler of New Atlantis, once Nestor has finished training her. Because she spends most of her time having lessons, she's had to give up her diplomatic duties, so she doesn't get to swim around from castle to castle any more. However, she hasn't modified her diet accordingly - which, unfortunately, means she's put on a lot of weight :(

Lysander: After the loss of his title, he mostly just sat in his room, unsure of what to do with himself. However, when Nestor's father Nikolas passed away, Lysander was tasked with taking over the running of the temple (because, in Nestor's words, "his ineptitude with women won't be an issue any more"). Now, Lysander is coming up with dumb, but well-meaning, ideas to make the temple more appealing to the younger crowd. 

Meriandra: Still works as the chief doctor in the hospital. However, since she's being assisted by Lydia these days, she actually has a decent amount of free time to herself now. 

Lydia: Is the assistant doctor in the hospital. Doesn't blame herself quite so often for things that go wrong (because, well, she wouldn't last for five minutes as a doctor if she did!) 

Conor, Cheryl: Got married about three months after the end of Asleep. Now, they live in their own little treehouse in the New Atlantis castle grounds. 

Characters who have moved away from New Atlantis
(I've mostly left these for Megan to fill in :P ):

Tom: Restored King of Lennart Kingdom.

Kyle: Prince of Lennart Kingdom. 

Diane: Chief cook at Lennart Castle.

Frederick: Dated Aliana for several months after the end of Asleep. During this time, his tastes matured somewhat: he graduated from apple juice to apple cider. However, after Aliana shrunk his cider cellar as a prank, they broke up - and now, he's returned to his former job as Kyle's bodyguard. 

Kei, Leonard: Imprisoned in Lennart Castle. 

Chris: Moved back to Light Kingdom to be with his family. Still stuck inside Aliana's old plush pony. 

Cara: Moved from Kemmelhearth to Lennart Castle. 

Once we know what these characters have been up to, we can start right away :)

Now, I'll just re-post the last three posts, to give us an idea of where we're continuing from: 

CJ Wrote:The heavy, bald-headed torturer clenched his fists, and grinned menacingly. "Well, the contents of this cauldron will let me know whether you're telling the every time [Image: e552084.gif] ...."

Eventually, Prince Rommel stumbled upon Kyle, slumped up against the wall, looking utterly broken and sorry for himself.

"What's wrong, Kyle [Image: e681259.png] ?!" he gasped, sounding rather concerned.

Megan Wrote:Kyle flinched started and moved as far against the wall as he could looking terrified. “W...what do you want? A...are you going to hit me too”

“ don’t...” Frederick whimpered.

CJ Wrote:"Of course not!" Rommel cried in disbelief, his jaw dropping wide open. "I just want to take you to Sabine. She's fallen head over heels for you, you know: she's been talking about you non-stop ever since she got home. She'll be very excited to see you, I'm sure!"

The torturer tilted his head bald head gradually towards Frederick - with a tinge of remorse in his facial expression. "I understand, some of my clients find the cauldron of fire rather intimidating. And, all things considered, it's probably too extreme for my required purposes anyway."

He then lifted the hefty iron instrument up by its handles, and then placed it down next to Frederick's right side. This caused the bubbling, hissing water to slosh around violently inside; a little harder, and it might have spilled over the edge. "Now, can you dip your hand into this, please?"

Kyle frowned a little at the mention of Sabine. He didn’t exactly want to see her, but knew if he didn’t he’d hurt her feelings plus his father would take it out on him. “...O...okay...I guess...” he said still trembling.

“No! I should be keeping an eye on Kyle!” Frederick cried.
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"Follow me, then :) ," Rommel instructed Kyle, with a slight smile.

Once Kyle got up, Rommel led the way down three extravagant corridors lined with oil paintings, until they arrived at a heavy studded wooden door right at the end. Rommel then hammered hard on the door to announce the arrival of his guest. "Sabine? Kyle's here!"

"Oh, I can do that for you if you'd like," Frederick's tormenter offered slyly. "Just bring him to me, and you'll be free to roam the castle and do as you please!"

“Uh..Liz can’t do that....I’m his bodyguard...and we were invited here!” Frederick said shaking his head.

As soon as Kyles name was mentioned the door opened and out jumped Sabine tackling Kyle.
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"Oh, want me to fetch Archduke Otto?" the maniacal torturer suggested. "We can establish whether he's telling the truth about this....with a little help from the cauldron of fire, of course...." 

Prince Rommel rolled his eyes, not only at Princess Sabine's extreme reaction, but also the manner in which she had decorated her room. The walls were plastered with paintings of Kyle, many of them either depicting him with Sabine or surrounding him with love hearts.

Kyle frowned pushing her off of him, then he blinked seeing how the princess’ room was decorated. “Er...”

“I am!” Frederick cried. “Prince Kyle is here to see the princess!”
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"KYLE :D !" Sabine yelped delightfully, as she constricted poor Kyle in her arms and dragged her into his room. "You're HERE :D ! Oh, how I've missed had a good journey?" 

The torturer let out a shrill scowl of disbelief, and slammed his fists against his wooden, blood-stained table. "My, you really expect me to believe that?! That whelp you dragged in was no prince: he was but a peasant! He was one o' the labourers who works down the stables! And you're telling me that squirt with hay and dirt all up his jacket is a prince?! Sabine wouldn't look at him for even a second :lol: !"

“Ask her...their engaged..l” Frederick said shivering.

Kyle grunted as he tried to pull free. “L...let go...please don’t hit me...”
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"I won't hit you!" Sabine squealed in disbelief, as she loosened her grip slightly. "I'm just pleased to see you's life at Lennart Castle?"

"I don't believe this!" the torturer scowled, as he stormed out of the room, leaving Frederick standing all alone. The room fell deathly silent - except for the gentle simmering of the water in the cauldron, and a faint knocking noise from a crate in the other side of the room....

Kyle bit his lip looking away, shivering. "...Its...fine. Everything fine..." he said his voice a bit shaky.

Frederick gulped. He hesitated before bolting from the room.
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

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