Let's share some good news and have more happy news threads on TCH. 
So the contest is the member who posts the most number of happy/good news threads will win some coffee credits. They can be posted in any of the topical discussion boards.
However the following rule applies: Any threads that are judged to be overly similar to one another will be merged (especially if they're all low-quality) - and any threads that are judged to be outright spam will be deleted.
Happy/good news is stuff like charity donations and work that has happened, acts of generosity, someone acheiving something big, people helping others big time, people beig happy about something, etc.
Simply post a thread that contains a news link to a happy/good news article. An example of happy/good news is stuff like these:
Each thread made will earn a member 50 coffee credits for each thread
1st Place gets 1000 coffee credits additional coffee credits.
2nd will get 800.
3rd will get 500
If there is a tie for either 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place then the coffee credits will be split in half for the winners..
UPDATED 02/09/2024: Old news (i.e. anything over a month old) is ineligible for this contest. The posting of old news on TCH is discouraged (due to the potential for confusing members into thinking that old news is new again) - and in any case, any such threads won't get the "Happy News" prefix (because the "Old News" prefix takes priority over this).
The closing date for the contest is
Friday, Feburary 2nd.

So the contest is the member who posts the most number of happy/good news threads will win some coffee credits. They can be posted in any of the topical discussion boards.
However the following rule applies: Any threads that are judged to be overly similar to one another will be merged (especially if they're all low-quality) - and any threads that are judged to be outright spam will be deleted.
Happy/good news is stuff like charity donations and work that has happened, acts of generosity, someone acheiving something big, people helping others big time, people beig happy about something, etc.
Simply post a thread that contains a news link to a happy/good news article. An example of happy/good news is stuff like these:
Each thread made will earn a member 50 coffee credits for each thread
1st Place gets 1000 coffee credits additional coffee credits.
2nd will get 800.
3rd will get 500
If there is a tie for either 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place then the coffee credits will be split in half for the winners..
UPDATED 02/09/2024: Old news (i.e. anything over a month old) is ineligible for this contest. The posting of old news on TCH is discouraged (due to the potential for confusing members into thinking that old news is new again) - and in any case, any such threads won't get the "Happy News" prefix (because the "Old News" prefix takes priority over this).
The closing date for the contest is
Friday, Feburary 2nd.