The Happy News Thread Contest (Round 13)
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2025, 11:55 PM by Kyng.)
Let's share some good news and have more happy news threads on TCH. :)

So the contest is the member who posts the most number of happy/good news threads will win some coffee credits. They can be posted in any of the topical discussion boards.

However the following rule applies: Any threads that are judged to be overly similar to one another will be merged (especially if they're all low-quality) - and any threads that are judged to be outright spam will be deleted. 

Happy/good news is stuff like charity donations and work that has happened, acts of generosity, someone acheiving something big, people helping others big time, people beig happy about something, etc.

Simply post a thread that contains a news link to a happy/good news article. An example of happy/good news is stuff like these:

Each thread made will earn a member 50 coffee credits for each thread
1st Place gets 1000 coffee credits additional coffee credits.
2nd will get 800.
3rd will get 500

If there is a tie for either 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place then the coffee credits will be split in half for the winners..

UPDATED 02/09/2024: Old news (i.e. anything over a month old) is ineligible for this contest. The posting of old news on TCH is discouraged (due to the potential for confusing members into thinking that old news is new again) - and in any case, any such threads won't get the "Happy News" prefix (because the "Old News" prefix takes priority over this).

The closing date for the contest is 
Friday, Feburary 2nd.

GL! :D
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Cool Cory approached me to ask for my authorisation for this contest (because, really, something like this ought to be approved by the admins) - and therefore, I am now giving this contest my official seal of approval :) .

It took a little while, because there were a couple of matters that I wanted to resolve with him first. But, that's all been done now - and we came to the agreement that the following stories will be counted:

  • Acts of generosity (for example, charity work);
  • Someone achieving their dreams or a huge accomplishment;
  • A situation that started badly but had a very happy ending;
  • Anything else that brought huge happiness to people.

On the other hand, the following will not count towards this contest:

  • Anything with political implications, that are likely to make certain people unhappy. (For example, if Rishi Sunak were to resign tomorrow, this would be "happy news" only for people who don't like him: people who support him wouldn't consider it "happy news" at all! On the other hand, something like "110-year-old politics fan meets Prime Minister" would certainly count, since it can be appreciated by anybody regardless of their political views);
  • A new series of a TV show, or a new entry in a film/book/game franchise. These would only be of interest to fans of that specific franchise - and in any case, they lack the 'heartwarming' element that we're looking for in this contest.

Of course, 'happiness' is subjective, and it's not going to be possible to come up with a rigid set of rules that apply to absolutely every thread. However, we hope the above guidelines will help give you an idea of the sorts of things we're looking for - and if you have any further questions (e.g. about whether a thread that you're planning to post will count), either Cool Cory or myself will be happy to answer them for you :) .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Well, I've made a start on this:

One 89-year-old's mission to save Chaná language

So, this can be my first entry :lol: .
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Kyng's post:
  • Cool Cory

I've made four entries so far:

My latest entry:

TikTok reunites twins separated at birth
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

My third entry:

Couple falls in love over shared IBD struggles
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

(This post was last modified: 02-19-2024, 09:13 PM by Cool Cory.) (This counts :P )

My fourth one:

Man in iron lung for 70 years inspires millions
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Kyng's post:
  • Velocity Girl

(This post was last modified: 02-06-2024, 08:46 PM by Kyng.)
Thornless roses sold to victims of cheating

Not sure whether this one should count: for me, it doesn't quite hit that 'heartwarming' note that I look for in these stories. But I'll submit it anyway, and let you be the judge of it :) .

(EDIT: It was after the deadline anyway :lol: . In my contests, I allow entries that are submitted after the deadline, but before I get around to closing them - but I'll leave it up to @ Cool Cory what he wishes to do in his contest :) )
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

I'll count both.

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