Pyrite gave some good suggestions.
As I said in my AMA, RC Sproul. I think you'd also like his sense of humour
John Owen is renowned in Reformed circles. He was a very prolific author. I'm also going to start working through some of my other books on covenant theology, so I'll tell you if they're any good. I'd recommend biographies too. Not just of guys like Luther, Calvin, Owen, etc., but of guys like Adoniram Judson, Cameron Townsend, DL Moody, George Whitefield, the Wesleys (as much as I disagree with some of the finer points of their theology), John MacArthur (ditto), etc. Some of the more Pentecostal/Charismatic-leaning folk will disagree with me on this, but Justin Peters and Costi Hinn are worth reading.
Finally, I would recommend reading some of the confessions of the faith. There are the Augsburg Confession and Book of Concord (Lutheran), the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort, Heidelberg Cat.; these are continental Reformed), the 1689 London Confession (Reformed Baptist), and/or the Westminster Confession (Presbyterian/sometimes Reformed Anglican).
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