Snakes of the Seas
Once his friends had arrived, Zas proudly showed off his newly-sharpened arrows and obsidian dagger.

"Glad to ssssssssssssee you. I'm all ready: I trussssssssssssst you two are as well?"
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Fay gave a half hearted shrug. “I guesssss sssssso.” He said sighing.
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"I am alwayssss ready to bandage sssssssilly sssssserpentssss ssssuch asssss yourssssself", Nagi replied, carrying her kit on her back. "Where issss your raid today?"
*many thanks to Oscar for the red panda avatar*

[Image: CCcP1lA.png]
"Anybody who thinks this is a good idea deserves to be prodded repeatedly with my selfie stick" - CJ's impression of me

"By the volcanic rockssssssssssss in the easssssssssst of Osssssssssstrubia," Zas explained. "There issssssssss a convoy from Leocadio Kingdom heading passssssssst them, to avoid the busiesssssssssst routessssssss that we normally target. But we have outsssssssssmarted them ;) !"
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

“Sssssstil kinda dangerous…” Fay commented not looking too thrilled. “Wisssssh we didn’t have to…”
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"I'm sssssssure you'll both be courageousssss in the faccccce of danger", Nagi replied. "I'll be here to ssssssseal your woundssss when you come back!"
*many thanks to Oscar for the red panda avatar*

[Image: CCcP1lA.png]
"Anybody who thinks this is a good idea deserves to be prodded repeatedly with my selfie stick" - CJ's impression of me

"Woundsssssss?" Zas sneered. "I'm ssssssssure we won't have any woundsssssss. Neverthelessssss, I offer my thankssssss for your willingnessssss to help... your sssssservices may sssssstill be required for healing any prisssssssonersssss we bring back ;) !"
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Fay flinched at the mention of wounds. “Wouldn’t have to worry about that if we didn’t do ssssssuch dangeroussssss thingsssss….”
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

Nagi was never sure whether to admire or detest Zas' overconfidence. As he and Fay headed out for the raid, she did find herself hoping that they would come back in one peace.

"Ssssssssilly sssssserpentssss, thossssse two", she muttered to herself, before checking that she had a good amount of medical supplies to heal anyone injured during the raid.
*many thanks to Oscar for the red panda avatar*

[Image: CCcP1lA.png]
"Anybody who thinks this is a good idea deserves to be prodded repeatedly with my selfie stick" - CJ's impression of me

After doing their final checks, the trio slithered out to the main rallying cave - where a muscular, moustachioed Dozzasho named Captain Mogazosshi prepared to address his troops.

"Greetingsssssssss... as you know, today is the day of our mossssssssst lucrative raid. Doesssssssss everyone remember what the plansssssssss are?"
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

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