Snakes of the Seas
"I'm not exssssactly sssure how to use one, to be honesssssst", Nagi replied. "Let'sssss jussssst get sssssomething to eat."
*many thanks to Oscar for the red panda avatar*

[Image: CCcP1lA.png]
"Anybody who thinks this is a good idea deserves to be prodded repeatedly with my selfie stick" - CJ's impression of me

"Of coursssssse :) ," Zas agreed. "Let'sssssss go. And sssssince I don't want you to go unrewarded.... I ssssshall owe both of you a favour in the future :) ."

To ensure that he wouldn't forget, Zas pinned two star-shaped badges marked with the word 'FAVOUR' to his belt - one orange, and one green.
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

“That will make you remember?” Fay asked cocking his head.
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

Nagi was a little surprised that Zas felt he owed her a favour, especially considering he'd helped save her from getting lost in the seaweed. She wasn't about to complain, though, and happily followed the other two as they searched for somewhere to eat.
*many thanks to Oscar for the red panda avatar*

[Image: CCcP1lA.png]
"Anybody who thinks this is a good idea deserves to be prodded repeatedly with my selfie stick" - CJ's impression of me

Since the group had failed to collect any food for the cooks this evening, Zas saw no point in going to the main hall. Instead, he led the group out into the market tunnels, lined with stalls selling cutlets of raw meat of questionable provenance.

"That one lookssssss tassssssty," Zas remarked, pointing at a ruby-red slab of flesh, on a stall run by an older Serpentine with a black bandana and an eye patch. "Ssssssshall we buy thisssssssss?"
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Fay gave a shrug. "I guessssss it looks fine." he said not seeming to care all that much.
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"It lookssss good to me. I sssssay we make the purchassse", Nagi exclaimed, eyes now lit up. However, something else caught her attention too.

"Excussse me, but what disssssasssster fell upon you to losssssse one of your eyesssss?"
*many thanks to Oscar for the red panda avatar*

[Image: CCcP1lA.png]
"Anybody who thinks this is a good idea deserves to be prodded repeatedly with my selfie stick" - CJ's impression of me

"Got hit by a ssssssstingray," the merchant explained. "But sssssssseriously, it'ssssss not as bad as it looksssssss... I ssssssstill have about three quarterssssss of my visssssion. And I sssssssstill have four quarterssssss of my ssssssssteak sssssseasoning sssssskils :D !!!!"
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Fay looked alarmed. "Did it hurt bad?" he asked nervously shuddering at the mere thought.
[Image: Nilla.png]
Signature By: Nilla

"I ssssssussssspect that it did", Nagi grimaced, after heartily laughing at the merchant's joke. She had come across far worse in her capacity as a healer, but it still made her shrink back every time she thought of an eye injury.

"Many thanksssssss for this sssssussssstenance", she added.
*many thanks to Oscar for the red panda avatar*

[Image: CCcP1lA.png]
"Anybody who thinks this is a good idea deserves to be prodded repeatedly with my selfie stick" - CJ's impression of me

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