The Invented Words Thread
The obligatory cross-post of this thread from the old forum! Simply invent your own words, and post their definitions here :P

I'll start by quoting some of my better ones: 


To be involved in corruption. 

(Hence, one who is involved in corruption is a 'blatter' [Image: e681271.png] ) 


One who blindly asserts that two events which happen concurrently are doing so by coincidence, without attempting to find any possible causal connection between the two. 


Intelligent, microscopic lifeforms which inhabit the cells of unsuccessful Formula One drivers. When present in sufficient numbers, they interact with ripples in the fabric of the universe, to condemn their host to a winless career at the back of the grid. 

(Portmanteau of Minardi - a chronically unsuccessful Formula One team - and midi-chlorians

Quote:Clarkson organ

Like a Hammond organ, but much older, taller, and heavier. Also, the music it plays is very loud and "in-your-face". 


A politician who is too chicken to implement any of their bold campaign promises once in office. 


Negative attacks against the President of the United States.

(The analogy being that, just as caffeine is the active ingredient in coffee, cavfefine is the active ingredient in covfefe!)

So, you got any of your own?
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Someone who isn't overly bright.

Thunderclap shutdown
When a business closes down without giving anyone sufficient notice.

to hit someone with a starfruit, real or fake, by any means

a headdesk out of frustration 
Etymology: a play on "kuyashii-desu!" (It is frustrating) in Japanese.
Quote:Tuckering or Malcolm Tuckering

Etymology: see my avatar. :P (Malcolm Tucker from "The Thick of It" and "In The Loop")


1. An extremely intense verbal lambasting; industrial-grade verbal abuse involving copious amounts of profanity and a raised voice.

Synonym: "bollocking."
/ˌdaj.ə.ˈswɛ.tɪk/ (die-uh-SWE-tick)

n. A substance that increases the production of sweat.
Quote:Vinegar is a diasweatic for some people.
adj. Increasing the production of sweat.

Etymology: Analogy with "diuretic"; the "a" vowel that was deleted in the original Greek in "diuretic" due to the root beginning with a vowel returns; "dia-" means "through" in Greek.    
Quote:nomflip /'nɑm.flɪp/ (NAHM-flip)

interjection. An interjection of complete rejection of responsibility for something that has happened, that may or may not be the utterer's fault.

Etymology: Portmanteau of Not my flipping problem. A euphemism of Malcolm Tucker's "nomfup" from The Thick Of It.

tinfoil hat linguistics (more a phrase than a word, but whatever :P )

The suggestion that the consensus view on a particular linguistic phenomenon or language family is due to a conspiracy, e.g. Angela Marcantonio's suggestion that the almost universal acceptance of the Uralic language family's existence (which she and a small number of other professional linguists deny) is due to Turcophobia.
Quote:Jeremoment /'dʒɛ.ɹə.ˌmo.mənt/ (JER-uh-moh-muhnt)

n. A moment of deep and thorough sadness at the direction one's society is headed, usually due to injustices, violence, and/or overindulgence.

Etymology: A portmanteau of "Jeremiah" (Biblical prophet who is known in Christian tradition as "The Wailing Prophet" or "The Weeping Prophet" for the exact reasons stated above) and "moment"

lumi gloomies
phr. (colloquial) Depression caused by snow.

Etymology: lumi (Finnish for "snow") + gloomies
Quote:CAW fallacy
n. (music) The fallacious notion that because a version of a song is the original, that it is automatically superior because of the fact. (This has been proven false both by music charts and critics.)

Etymology: Covers are Always Worse. Alternatively, Covers are Automatically Worse.


Music Lover 1: Dude, the original's always better!
Music Lover 2: Uhh, if that were the case, Bruce Springsteen would have charted more often than he did. "Pink Cadillac?" "Blinded By The Light?" And don't start me on Tears For Fears' "Mad World."
Music Lover 1: Wait... I thought Gary Jules and Michael Andrews wrote that.
Music Lover 2: Nope. Thank you for proving my point. Now, this is not to say that some originals aren't better than covers, because many are. But to say that a cover is automatically worse is something that has been proven wrong enough times to be deserving of an entry in some list of official fallacies somewhere.
adj. not full-on heartbroken, but living in a state including a hint of sadness.


Speaker 1: You can just tell the guy's heartcracked. Yes, he has his happy days, but he always seems a bit sad. I wonder why?
Speaker 2: Heartcracked guys tend to be the ones that either never have luck with women, or have led rough lives and still maintained some reason to live.
Speaker 1: You're probably right.
n. (linguistics/discourse-pragmatics) the context of any one individual person, including worldview, experiences, upbringing environment, ideoculture, vocabulary, other languages learned, etc., that contributes to how one interprets any linguistic discourse.

1. Factoring a theory one doesn't like or agree with down to hatred of a people group.
2. Being overly judicious about someone else's theory while overly underjudicious about one's own.

Speaker A: "Janhunen's argument against a cohesive Altaic language family is a load of crap!"
Speaker B: "Why?"
Speaker A: "He's basically only doing that because he doesn't like Koreans!"
Speaker B: "*sigh* Take your Marcantonian tinfoil-hat linguistics elsewhere, please..."

Etymology: Angela Marcantonio, whose book "The Uralic Language Family: Facts, Myths, And Statistics," was panned by Uralists for both of these reasons. Definition #1 refers specifically to chapter 2 of the book, where Marcantonio suggests the only reason for widespread acceptance of the Uralic language family (which she posits doesn't exist) is due to hatred of Turks. Definition 2 comes from a common accusation against the book, most bluntly put by Finnish linguist Ante Aikio.
Quote:blunderus maximus
n. An action so stupid that it exceeds the stupidity level of a mere blunder by a large factor.
n. (mass noun) the politics of football, especially as relates to off-pitch shenanigans.

n. A kind of dark chocolate, 75% cocoa, made exclusively using raw cocoa products from Ecuador, and marketed by Lindt and Sprüngli.
Quote:Here's a long one for you:

n. Any newer movement to abolish separation of church and state. Can include either those with religious leanings (those wanting to impose a religious morality or law upon a state) or secular leanings (those wanting to impose the state's will upon any religion or group of religions). (And trust me, there's been a lot of both in the world lately! <_< )

1. The process by which one becomes so convinced one's own opinion/belief/whatever else is superior that they believe anyone who is different than them in this regard must be exterminated.
2. (Doctor Who fandom) The process by which one is turned into a Dalek. :P

Pronunciation: either /ˌti.lo'æk/ or /ˌtɛ.lo'æk/

Etymology: Greek télos "end, goal, consummation, completion" + -maniac


1. Someone obsessed with bottom-line to the detriment of anyone involved. (See also: CEOs of many major corporations, Donald Trump, numerous politicians)
2. Someone obsessed with finishing what they start to the detriment of starting anything new.

Possible derivations: adj. telomaniacal, telomanic
Quote:I can't take credit for this one. My roommate Moss came up with it.

IPA: /'vɛ.dʒəˌlæn.ti/

n. Someone who is militantly vegetarian/vegan.

Example: Lisa Simpson.

Etymology: vegetarian + vigilante

Derivations (these I can take credit for): n. vegelantism, adj. vegelantistic
adj. Existing within time. Does not necessarily mean that being exists (wholly) within space.

adj Existing outside of time, and therefore not subject to it. Does not necessarily mean that being exists (wholly) outside of space.
n. Someone who hates Valentine's Day so much they never stop whining about it until it's over.
adj. To be so disillusioned with love/romance that one is willing to give up on it entirely.
n. insomnia caused by spending too much time on one's smartphone before going to bed or during the process of trying to get to sleep.
n. Any business person, esp. in legal services or real estate or something involving large amounts of money, who tries to turn a death in someone's family into a financial opportunity.

(Inspired by a somewhat angering post a friend of mine made on FB about someone actually doing that. At best it was a massive error in judgement.)
n. anyone who decides to ram a radical-left agenda down the throats of anyone and everyone they encounter on the internet.
n. a day where absolutely nothing is going right.

Etymology: Finnish mild/moderate curse perkele + day.

n. (slightly derogatory) the state of being so invested in football (any sort) that it is practically your religion, when you claim to be something else (Christian, Muslim, Jew, whatever). Common to the United States (in Gridiron football), Europe, Latin America, certain parts of Asia (in association football aka soccer), South Africa, and the Pacific (in rugby football, in Australia also Aussie Rules).
n. Worshipping one's political candidate as if they were God/a deity.

Derived terms - n. ipoliter, adj. ipolitrous

Etymology - Blend of idolatry and politics

n. a love of rain so intense that anything but rainy weather causes depression. AKA Shirley Manson's Disease. :P

Etymology: hyper- + hyeto- (from Anc. Greek ῡ̔ετός (hyetos) "heavy rain) + -philia

For Shirley Manson's Disease:

Derived terms: n./adj. hyperhyetophiliac

acute cerebral hypothermia
n. really bad brain freeze :P
Quote:blushquit (past tense/past part. also blushquit)

1. v. to quit something out of sheer embarrassment. "Do you think Rory got sacked because of the accident yesterday?" "Nah, knowing him, he probably just blushquit."
2. n. a resignation based on sheer embarrassment. "MP Jenkins' untimely blushquit comes on the heels of yet another scandal within the Liberal Party, as Minister of Defence Robbie McConnell was found to be taking bribes to coax Canada into the coalition war against Qatar. It seems the current Canadian government is in trouble. Conservative Party leader Nina Grewal and NDP leader Kelly Szczerbiak have called for a full general election, and the potential of more blushquits from this current government has been discussed."

Etymology: blush + quit[i], analogy with [i]ragequit.
Quote:Can't take full credit for this one. Sense 1 was coined by a friend of mine:


1. a group of guys
2. hyper-masculinity; the quality of being too "blokeish."
n. A quirk that stems at least partially from having Asperger Syndrome. See also "D'Arcyish things." :P
n. (derogatory) someone who preaches or otherwise advocates the controversial "prosperity gospel" espoused by certain elements of charismatic Christianity; this movement is infamous for preachers who live lavish lifestyles, such as Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and Joseph Prince.

Etymology: blend of prosperity and heretic
Quote:Henley's Paradox

1. When one's understanding of a subject is actually inversely proportional to one's knowledge of facts therewithin. Or in Don Henley's own words, "the more I know, the less I understand."

Etymology: "The more I know, the less I understand" is a line in Don Henley's song, "The Heart Of The Matter."

/ˌsɛ.səˈdʒi.səs/, /ˌsɛ.səˈdʒi.sɪs/

n., Christian A form of eisegesis that reads the current administration of one's government into Scripture, usually done trying to justify current admin policies that would otherwise go against Scripture read through the lens of proper Biblical hermeneutics. Proponents are usually hard-right-wingers, "Christian nationalists," and/or prosperetics.

Etymology: (Jeff) Sessions + -egesis (as in exegesis and eisegesis).
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slooroo, on Discord Wrote:Is Nilla proof why Paul recommended celibacy?
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A species of extinct, but resurrected hawk found in Devonshire. 
Literally Hades + ornithes, meaning "Hades bird", named after its bony tooth-like bill. 

A species of hawk found in Devonshire.
Ardea + spiza, meaning "Heron + seize", so literally heron hawk, named after its long, crest-like plumes resembling a heron. 

That's all I have
Chapter 1 progress:
5600/5000 words

[Image: ObsessedwithBirds.gif]

Invented words? I've invented a whole new language!
'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.

I didn't invent this one, but I wish I had: 

mierdas touch

The reverse of the Midas touch: if somebody has this, everything they touch turns into excrement. 

(Case in point: TapaTalk)
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
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A rail replacement bus.
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)


Taxidermy performed by a person who is not a qualified taxidermist. 

(Yes, this is descending into stupid puns again :( . Sorry!)
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
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impulse bait
noun (uncountable)

Items which are designed to be impulse-bought (and don't necessarily have any lasting appeal). 

A great example of this would be Goat Simulator. This very goofy trailer was made as a joke - and it made people laugh so hard that they begged for it to be turned into an actual game :P . So, it was - and, these same people impulse-bought it by the bucketload. So, they could dash around as a goat, pull things around with its exceedingly long tongue, and generally cause chaos. It was so much fun :D

Well....for about ten minutes, it was. Then, once the novelty of "OMG I'M A GOAT :unsure: " had worn off, it became clear that there really wasn't any good reason to play this game. It was just a crappy Grand Theft Auto clone featuring goats in place of cars - making it too shallow for adults, too childish for teenagers, and too vulgar for kids :( . Not that the developers really cared: they already had their money from the legions of impulse-purchasers by that point!

(Oh well. At least Steam refunds are a thing :P )
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)


One who is weird by virtue of not doing things that they would typically be expected to do. (Contrast with a 'weirdo', who actively does weird things :P )
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

furnace dodger
A jocular term for an elderly person, who had lived beyond the life expectancy. The term itself refers to cremation, and was used one time in Scottish sitcom Still Game.

And something else, that I actually submitted to UrbanDictionary years ago...

The sacred religion of simply not giving a sh*t of what happens on the internet or in real-life. It is required for everyone to follow it in order to advance through life.


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