06-20-2018, 09:36 PM
The obligatory cross-post of this thread from the old forum! Simply invent your own words, and post their definitions here
I'll start by quoting some of my better ones:
So, you got any of your own?

I'll start by quoting some of my better ones:
To be involved in corruption.
(Hence, one who is involved in corruption is a 'blatter')
One who blindly asserts that two events which happen concurrently are doing so by coincidence, without attempting to find any possible causal connection between the two.
Intelligent, microscopic lifeforms which inhabit the cells of unsuccessful Formula One drivers. When present in sufficient numbers, they interact with ripples in the fabric of the universe, to condemn their host to a winless career at the back of the grid.
(Portmanteau of Minardi - a chronically unsuccessful Formula One team - and midi-chlorians)
Quote:Clarkson organ
Like a Hammond organ, but much older, taller, and heavier. Also, the music it plays is very loud and "in-your-face".
A politician who is too chicken to implement any of their bold campaign promises once in office.
Negative attacks against the President of the United States.
(The analogy being that, just as caffeine is the active ingredient in coffee, cavfefine is the active ingredient in covfefe!)
So, you got any of your own?