Lord of the Rigs references collection
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2025, 07:30 AM by JHG.)
My very not epic fanfic Lord of the Rigs is a Lord of the Rings meets Treasure Island tale of adventure available here: https://tch-forum.com/showthread.php?tid=9443
Thanks to @ Kyng’s idea here, I will compile a list of characters and their OG Middle-earth equivalents. NOTE: No character is listed twice. Also, this is the first Lord of the Rigs spin-off of sorts.
The Fellowship:
Freya/Sailor Freya-Equivalent of Frodo Baggins. One of two main protagonists of the story. She’s a reluctant hero but enjoys a good adventure and is determined to do the right thing. Like other Nara peoples, she enjoys several meals a day especially shrimp scampi.
Samantha/Sailor Sam-Equivalent of Samwise Gamgee. She’s Freya’s BFF and deeply loyal. 
Anabel-Equivalent of Aragorn II “Elessar”/Strider. This story’s other main protagonist. The exiled Queen Empress of the Gondolinian Empire, Anabel is determined to do whatever it takes to claim her throne for the sake of her people. Beneath her ferocious exterior, she has a soft spot for her friends and family and is not afraid of dressing more “girly.” Her longsword is actually her ancestor’s reforged weapon meant to signify Irma’s big second chance.
Lana-Equivalent of Legolas Thranduillion(or just Legolas.) Proud, haughty, and deeply gorgeous, Lana is a formidable warrior which comes with the territory of being Woodland heritage. She used to have a musket with a bayonet but swapped it for a Lotharian rifle. The knife is a backup weapon. Her rivalry with Gardenia is fierce but they’re good friends as well. She may also have a secret girlfriend…
Gardenia-Equivalent of Gimli. A typical Gurkhandi, Gardenia is no force to mess with. With her kukri, her battle charge is a force to be taken seriously. She’s friends with Lana but is also her bitter rival and they totally don’t have sexual tension. Gardenia has wishes to measure up to her mother Gloria thanks to Gloria's own adventures-just like how Gimli must've felt about Glóin being a part of the Erebor expedition.
Beatrix-Equivalent of Boromir. She’s a ferocious fighter and openly argumentative but respects those equally skilled. Her policy is an all out offensive with targe and broadsword. She feels her mom puts too much pressure on her little sister, Filatrix.
Glindar-Equivalent of Gandalf/Ólorin. She’s an old but quite pretty lady who is friends with Freya. Nobody knows, but Glindar is an archangel. Glindar is wise and kind as she is old. Her walking stick and large longsword are her bread and butter in battle should she have to fight.
Mary-Equivalent of Meriadoc Brandybuck/Merry. She’s a good hearted and snarky old friend of Freya and Sam. Her friendship with Pippi is especially close.
Pippi-Equivalent of Peregrin Took/Pippin(Her name’s also a reference to Clefairy’s Japanese name.) She’s a cute mischievous girl who nonetheless pulls through in loyalty. She and Mary enjoyed sneaking snacks when they were young.
This place is basically The Shire but at a seacoast. An idyllic seaside town known for its tasty scampi.
Freya-see Fellowship.
Samantha-see Fellowship.
Mary-see Fellowship.
Pippi-see Fellowship.
Belinda-Equivalent of Bilbo Baggins(but gets a relationship overhaul by being Freya's mother.) She had an adventure of her own years before the Quest for the Rig. She is close friends with Glindar and a loving mother to Freya although her addiction to the One Rig has been affecting her badly.
Once this was a mighty empire spanning large swathes of the continent but now it is confined to just the Southern Kingdom of Gondolinium-right on the doorstep of Sturgeon's dominion. They own a powerful and formidable military force. The Northern Kingdom of Archonistan used to be part of Gondolinium's empire but now its people are scattered and turned to nomadic life. A province was granted as a present to the Comanche in exchange for assistance during a war with invaders. The enemies often tremble at the sound of bagpipes associating it with a charging Gondolinium force. In peacetime, the people perform gladiator battles, sporting events, and drama. They're also great board game players and stepdancers. The old capital was initially the Constellation Fort but one particularly devastating attack led the shift to the Sun Fort(later Guard Fort.)
Beatrix-See Fellowship
Daphne-Equivalent of Steward Denethor. She is the Chief Minister of Gondolinium, heir to a long lineage of Chief Ministers overseeing a transition government until a King or Queen can be coronated. Still, Daphne takes her job seriously and is the closest thing the realm has to a queen. She dotes on Beatrix but finds her younger daughter Filatrix to be a disappointment. 
Filatrix-Equivalent of Faramir. She's seen as a disappointment by her mother but gets along well with her big sis. She's a strict commander but has a caring side to her as well. She prefers her toast be butter side down and separate from bacon.
Becky-Equivalent of Beregond. A veteran of many battles, Becky is a loyal member of the People’s Guard. She is a veteran of many battles and has no room for mercy in battle. Still, she’s not totally heartless and has the capacity to make friends.
Irma-Equivalent of Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth. Irma is a fearsome general of the Guard Fort’s army and is absolutely ruthless on the field. Nonetheless, when she’s not fighting she would rather just hang out. She serves her realm with loyalty and determination.
In general the country is the equivalent of Rohan although Comancheria was used historically to refer to the Comanche homeland. They’re fearsome mounted warriors but also focused on the cultural aspects of their realm. They enjoy embroidery, artistry, singing, and dancing. Horses are a major source of transportation and battle mounts(and sometimes food), making a charge of Comanche a force to be reckoned with. They’re expert mounted archers but also fight with carbines and pistols. For melee, lances, war hawks(pickaxes), tomahawks, knives, and gunstock war clubs come into use. Comanche are also famous for scalping enemies and keeping the scalps as prizes while burning enemy corpses, as a form of psychological warfare. Their approach to siege warfare is to hole up in the fortress and shot the enemy.
Tenayuca-Equivalent of King Théoden. She’s the Grand Ruler of Comancheria. Aside from being a fearsome war leader, she’s also a firm ally of Gondolinium’s rulers and is trustworthy and honorable. She adopted Topsannah and Puhihwitsikwasʉ when their parents died and raised the children as her own. 
Topsannah-Equivalent of Éomer. Niece and adopted daughter of Topsannah, she’s a fierce warrior and ruthless to her enemies. She is close to her aunt and brother and will do anything to protect them. 
Puhihwitsikwasʉ-Equivalent of Éowyn. He is sweet and kindhearted to those who are close to him. He was a good horseback rider until he got his leg injured in an accident. He is still determined to prove himself.
Quanah-Equivalent of Théodred. He was a fierce warrior and among the Comache’s finest. He was killed in the Battle of the Sarkeen Fords as Dr. Sarkeesian considered him a serious threat.
Kotsuteka-Equivalent of Erkenbrand. She accompanied Glindar to Ft. Hornburg. She is a fierce warrior. She commands the Western Frontier. When she isn't fighting, Kotsuteka enjoys decorating.
Assorted allies
Elaine, Lady of Ruthenia-Equivalent of Elrond. She used to be an emotional woman but thanks to seeing so much tragedy, she's now more stoic. Her son Alan is betrothed to Anabel. She is ever vigilant.
Groverson, King of Lotharia-Equivalent of Galadriel. He has a decisive mind and commanding presence making nobody doubt why he has reigned for so long. He isn't much of a fighter himself but is great at commanding from the rear. Lady Elaine is his daughter and they are fierce allies. Groverson is a deadly thorn in the enemy's side and the feeling is mutual. 
Gravelgorn-Equivalent of Treebeard(but his appearance takes more cues from the Rock Man from Harry Nilsson's The Point.) The Earth monsters are an assorted category of ancient creatures that live in the wild areas but are now restricted to the Pointless Forest. The oldest is Gravelgorn. How old he is is unknown but he's definitely WAY over 100,000 years old. He's mostly calm like any other Earth monster but hurt his friends and watch out! Also, the Earth monsters are officially genderless since they were around long before organisms started having gender differences but Mary and Pippi use male pronouns and no objections have been raised yet.
Noduorg-Loose equivalent of Beechbone(but he doesn't die.) Appearance is similar to that of Primal Groudon. They're fearsome when it comes to defending nature from excessive environmental damage like any other Earth monster.
Wumpaa Y'Challa-Equivalent of Ghân-buri-Ghân. He is leader of the Tsona people. They live in complete isolation from the rest of the world. Once they lived in a massive city state but a plague and invasions from the Sturgeonites forced them to the wilds. As Head Priest of the Religion of Huey, Wumpaa is the ruler of his people and dedicated to the best decision possible.
Queen Dania-Equivalent of Dain II "Ironfoot". She ruled the Mountain Kingdom for years after the designated queen Thalia "Oakenshield" died in the Battle of the Six Armies. She was a spry warrior in her youth and even in old age, she will fight on the frontlines against any invader of her homeworld.
King Griselda-Equivalent of King Brand. She ruled the land of Magdeburg since her youth and has kept it prosperous and stable. She may live far from the other realms of Thallasanium aside from the Mountain Kingdom but she is still determined to fight against evil.
The Enemy
Lord Sturgeon-Equivalent of Sauron. The notorious Dark Lord ruling over the large and powerful Sturgeon Dominion, they desire to utilize the power of the One Rig to rule all! They was defeated by the League of Augsburg but have since bounced back after living as little more than a phantom menace. Ft. Tethys is the capital of the Sturgeon Dominion and a symbol of this tyrant's oppressive regime.
Dr. Sarkeesian-Equivalent of Saruman. Her goal is little more than domination of the realms in her own right, no different from the master she chose to backstab. Sarkeesian may fancy herself wise but that claim is questionable due to going into an unwinnable war without allies. Her forces were optimized to counter cavalry making them overspecialized in beating the Comanche. She is ruthless and will go through any means to achieve victory.
Serpent Mouth-Equivalent of Gríma Wormtongue. She's a Comanche citizen who's turned traitor and backed up Dr. Sarkeesian's takeover and thanks to mistreatment, is resentful of not having more. Beneath her exterior, she's actually a pathetic excuse of a person through and through and has little concept of loyalty.
The Oprichniki-Equivalent of the Nazgûl. The highest ranking servants of Lord Sturgeon are cloaked in black and for the realms of Thalassanium, they are a sign of fear. Their leader is the Sorcerer of the Doomed.
The fire demon-Equivalent of Durin's Bane. Among the fire demons of old, this one is likely the last of her kind. Formidable and fiery, only an archangel or someone in that power level has a chance in a fight against this Satanic adversary. This particular fire demon has a one sided crush on Glindar. Since balrogs aren't confirmed to have wings, these fire demons strike a compromise. They can magically summon huge eruptions that give the illusion of having giant wings.
That one guy with rowdy kids-Equivalent of Grishnákh(and of that one Northern Water Tribe soldier who said he'd rather deal with his mother-in-law rather than dark spirits.) Just a guy doing his job. Mary and Pippi reminded him of his kids at home who thanks to Sturgeon's War are now missing their daddy.
Glubber/Seena-Equivalent of Gollum/Sméagol. She was once no different from the Nara peoples and has since been warped and mutated thanks to obsessing over the Rig. Her speech sounds like someone gargling mouthwash.
That one guy who's birthday was remembered-No Lord of the Rings counterpart but he is like that one Fire Nation soldier who thought the captain remembered his birthday. Yet another ordinary guy doing his job. He's nonetheless enthusiastic to enter battle and hopes the victory will be a worthy birthday present. At least he doesn't get dumped in the ocean from an airship.
Spokesperson of the Sturgeon-Equivalent of the Mouth of Sauron. Nobody knows what this person's gender is or what they even look like under the masked helmet but from little is seen, probably for the best. They are loyal to Dark Lord Sturgeon and will fight to the end for the cause of evil.
Sarlock-Equivalent of Shelob(though the look is more like the Owl Beast form of Eda Clawthorne.) This monstrously oversized barn owl lives in a secret cave where he is known to devour unsuspecting intruders in his lair. Chances are one will hear him before seeing him thanks to his monstrous screech. He's not affiliated with Lord Sturgeon so they just tolerate each other.
Skara and Gretchen-Equivalents of Shagrat and Gorbag. These two gals are a nasty bunch. Gretchen though, is more selfish and quick to steal things from prisoners and desert. Skara is more loyal to Lord Sturgeon.
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  • Kyng

Thanks for putting this together :D .

If you think of any more back-story or anything else to write about these characters, I'll be happy to read this - but until then, I think this will be very helpful to have :) !
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

(06-26-2022, 08:39 PM)Kyng Wrote: Thanks for putting this together :D .

If you think of any more back-story or anything else to write about these characters, I'll be happy to read this - but until then, I think this will be very helpful to have :) !

That’s not everyone though. Should it be a separate post or just adding to the original list?

(06-27-2022, 03:21 PM)JHG Wrote:
(06-26-2022, 08:39 PM)Kyng Wrote: Thanks for putting this together :D .

If you think of any more back-story or anything else to write about these characters, I'll be happy to read this - but until then, I think this will be very helpful to have :) !

That’s not everyone though. Should it be a separate post or just adding to the original list?

If you're just adding the same kind of information about more characters, then I'd suggest just adding it to the original post. But if you're adding new information (for example, fleshing out some back-stories), then it might be better to do that in a separate post :) .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

I’m now wondering if there should be a separate section for countries/armies. I’d like to go in depth on the various battle units, weapons, and armor designs although most will be nonspecific to avoid demonizing certain countries/cultures.
PS Once the Faramir and Denethor equivalents are introduced, they’ll be Filatrix and Daphne respectively.
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(09-04-2022, 01:34 AM)JHG Wrote: I’m now wondering if there should be a separate section for countries/armies. I’d like to go in depth on the various battle units, weapons, and armor designs although most will be nonspecific to avoid demonizing certain countries/cultures.
PS Once the Faramir and Denethor equivalents are introduced, they’ll be Filatrix and Daphne respectively.

That honestly sounds like a good idea :D . I'd be interested to learn more!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

(This post was last modified: 03-16-2023, 06:47 AM by JHG.)
In general, Russian looking or in the case of musketeers British American Minutemen. Diverse and formidable force. Reliant on auxiliaries and mercenaries.
Heavy infantry-Armored in plate, brigandine, and spike tipped combat helmets or kettle hats. Armed in various polearms such as spears, pikes, and halberds. Can use steel knives and swords to attack.
Alexandrian forces-Similar but not identical to Macedonian soldiers. The main heavy infantry(Pezhetairoi) have sarissa, small shields and xiphos’. Hypaspists(the other heavy infantry with modest sized spears and big shields) and Hetairoi(heavy cavalry) are major units as well. Still, the Alexandrians don’t forget the importance of mounted archers, skirmishers armed with slings and javelins and foot archers.
Musketeers-Dressed like Minutemen and armed with flintlock muskets and bayonets for melee.
Heavy cavalry-Either brigandine or full plate. Use lances or(occasionally) grenades.
Boarctic-Serve as various infantry. They’re armed with bone harpoons, bows, knives, clubs, and axes. Dressed somewhat like more colorful Inuit. While they don’t look intimidating thanks to a lack of metal, their battle mammoths make them a force to take seriously.
Light cavalry-More mobile lancers, swordsmen, or mounted archers/carabiners.
Archers-Lightly armored and use deadly war bows. If they’re caught in melee, swords, axes, and clubs are used along with brute strength.
Trolls and ceratopsians/shielded giant reptilians-Used for more heavy duty purposes like pushing siege towers or pulling artillery. May be used for battle too.
Adel Sultanate-This seaside realm is a haven for pirates and mercenaries. Their forces are like the Somali pirates except with a more Imperial Age aesthetic. They're armed with shortened scimitars, axes, spears, and bows. Their guns are modified to avoid power failure on the ocean and rivers.
[-] The following 1 user Likes JHG's post:
  • Kyng

Interesting stuff: it sounds like there's a diverse range of forces, with a good mix of pre-gunpowder and early gunpowder units!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Kyng's post:
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(10-02-2022, 10:03 AM)Kyng Wrote: Interesting stuff: it sounds like there's a diverse range of forces, with a good mix of pre-gunpowder and early gunpowder units!

That’s the idea!

They’re more or less just like their historical counterparts-albeit with a few changes like no supernatural belief, some armor rather than just buffalo hide shields, and knowledge of siege warfare. An all cavalry force that fights with lances, bows, and carbines. For sidearms, these warriors will use tomahawks, gunstock war clubs, war hawks, pistols, and scalping knives. Bayonet tipped carbines do well for them as well. While they rarely fight on foot, they are good at infantry tactics as well.

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