I might as well post my favourite orders of birds.
- Picimorphae clade: Coraciiformes/Bucerotiformes/Piciformes
- Psittaciformes
- Diurnal birds of prey clades: Accipitriformes/Falconiformes/Cathartiformes
- Strigiformes
- Ardeiformes
- Passeriformes
- Strisores clade: Caprimulgiformes/Nyctibiiformes/Steatornithiformes/Apodiformes/Podargiformes
Reasons for loving Coraciimorphae clade: not only are they diverse and have many colours, they are beautiful and unique.
Reasons for loving Psittaciformes: they're parrots, and I have pet parrots. Not only that, they are beautiful and intelligent.
Reasons for loving the birds of prey clades: powerful, beautiful and amazing. What more could you want?
Reasons for loving Strigiformes: they're owls! Duh! Haha. They're wise, stoic, mysterious and nocturnal.
Reasons for loving Ardeiformes: herons, egrets and bitterns are beautiful, powerful and intelligent. Egret plumes are beautiful.
Reasons for loving Passeriformes: the most diverse group of birds on the planet. They're beautiful, intelligent, amazing, come in many colours and they're fascinating.
Reasons for loving the Strisores clade: most of this clade is nocturnal, mysterious and beautiful. Hummingbirds are wonderful little creatures. Who could hate hummingbirds?