Today is the last day of my break - and, I thought I should pop in to say a few words before my proper return tomorrow.
First of all, a big thank you for all of the kind messages that people have been leaving in here. But even more than that, a big thank you to @
Nilla for keeping this place running over the past three weeks - and to everybody who has been helping to keep the community active in my absence. It really means a lot.
On the whole, I think my three-week break has been a success. It's put me in a much less stressful setting, and broken most of the unhealthy habits that were causing me so much grief in the first place. For the past few days, I've been itching to return... but I also don't want to go back to the stress that I was experiencing before. Therefore, for this first week of my comeback, I will still be heavily limiting my activity on TCH. In particular:
- I will only be coming online once a day to post (in a single session of 30-60 minutes). If I come online outside my once-a-day posting session, it'll be to do non-posting activities (such as software upgrades, if we have to do any of those
- I will not be returning to staff duties just yet, unless I'm urgently required to do so;
- I will not be returning to the Discord server just yet.
Of course, I don't intend to stick to the above forever: I aim to make a more complete return
eventually. But I want to build up gradually - because I want to avoid getting back into any unhealthy habits again. My goal is to contribute as much as I can to the community without it stressing me out or completely taking over my life - and it'll take me a while to find that level.
Anyway, it'll be good to be back tomorrow. See you then, for Anniversary Week and some posting
