Most frustrating features in games?
Trying to find effects in yume 2kki can be time consuming and annoying, and there’s not any saving in the worlds…I still love this game, though, and for now I have been enjoying just exploring the worlds without effects a bit. But I probably will use a walkthrough to gain probably any of them xD
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everyday, I try to be happy and grateful to be here :) because ya know why? No reason not to be :P nuff said

(09-25-2021, 05:46 PM)Opal Fruit Wrote: Controls are so frustrating in some games. I remember playing Croc on PlayStation and it was hard work getting him to go backwards and rotate and such! Jumping off ledges seems to cause much frustration, too. In Spyro 3 I kept getting stuck in the same place because I couldn't make the damn jump into a portal and kept having to run back to the same place again to try and yet again fail! Trying to hold down a few buttons at the same time just really failing. There was also a Scooby-Doo game where I couldn't get Shaggy to make this little jump to the next ledge until a gazillion tries later. Plenty of other things frustrate me in games to recall them all at this moment!

Yes, this drives me insane with a lot of Steam's "full controller supported" games.  I love using a controller and prefer it to a mouse and keyboard, but some games seem to just map random buttons or even cut entire abilities from the controller mapping without options to fix that. 

Otherwise, it would be live service single-player games.
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Another one I should add is the "Have an Adult Make a Toast" event in The Sims 4.

I have never been able to get it to work -_- . I've looked up a guide on here - but, even when following all of those steps, the event just doesn't come up for me. It leaves me wondering whether the event is broken, or I'm still doing something wrong...

(And if I am doing something wrong, then the game isn't exactly making it clear what I'm supposed to be doing :facepalm: )
[Image: CJTrain.gif]
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

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