Most frustrating features in games?
Cross-posted from the old forum:

Sometimes, there's a game that we quite like... but there's this one feature it has that just frustrates us. Or, as we play other games, we might notice the same frustrating feature cropping up over and over again. So, here's a place to talk about some of the frustrating features you've encountered as a gamer - whether they're from one specific game, or from gaming in general!

I'll start with one from Mine3D (the 3D version of Minesweeper that I'd been playing a lot :P ). As in regular Minesweeper, you work through a cube, flagging mines as you go (with the number in each space telling you how many of the adjacent squares need to be flagged). Unfortunately, this means that by the end of the game, the screen gets very cluttered, to the point where the game becomes almost unplayable -_- . To illustrate, here's what my screen looked like when I'd nearly finished a game on 'Hard' mode:

Click to enlarge
(Click to enlarge)

As you can see, it's a horrible mess of numbers, which makes my head spin and makes it very hard for me to see what I need to do -_- . Furthermore, most of these numbers relate to areas that I've already cleared, so they're doing nothing but getting in the way :facepalm: !!!

Fortunately, the game does have a solution to this, in the form of 'Sweep Mode', where you delete mines instead of flagging them. That makes this game much more bearable - but sadly, this problem remains in Classic Mode, which is what I expect most new players will gravitate towards :( .

So, do you have any frustrating features to bring up, from games that you've played?
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

The matchmaking on CS:GO. Some memorable people you meet there. ;)
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(09-19-2021, 11:26 PM)Shiny Star Wrote: The matchmaking on CS:GO. Some memorable people you meet there. ;)

If I didn't already have a girlfriend, then this would encourage me to try out CS:GO - because it makes it sound like the world's worst dating app Rofl !!!!
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)
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Another thing that frustrates me about games in general is just how inconsistent the 'Rotate Object' controls are from one game to the next -_- .

Here are four examles:

  • Tropico 5: Mouse wheel
  • The Sims 4: < and > keys
  • Cities: Skylines: Right-click
  • Banished: T and R keys

Often, if I haven't played a game for a while, I'll completely forget how to rotate objects, and have to look it up. Or, when I'm playing one game, I'll use the 'Rotate' controls for a different game, and I'll get annoyed when nothing happens -_- .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

Controls are so frustrating in some games. I remember playing Croc on PlayStation and it was hard work getting him to go backwards and rotate and such! Jumping off ledges seems to cause much frustration, too. In Spyro 3 I kept getting stuck in the same place because I couldn't make the damn jump into a portal and kept having to run back to the same place again to try and yet again fail! Trying to hold down a few buttons at the same time just really failing. There was also a Scooby-Doo game where I couldn't get Shaggy to make this little jump to the next ledge until a gazillion tries later. Plenty of other things frustrate me in games to recall them all at this moment!
Teapot O P F U I T Palette

I don’t like seeing blood in games if that counts. I am glad it’s not common so much in Nintendo titles :)
Princesses love makeup and playing with makeup is just really pretty and fun :wub:
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I agree with The Sims. I would also say that I find it so tedious getting enough resources in those games where it helps a lot to use real life money to buy items in-game. I see why they do it but meh.
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Another thing that frustrates me about The Sims 4: Sims not doing what they're told.

There have been times when I've told Connie to do some gardening, or told Siobhan to go fishing, but they instead spend an hour chatting to their husbands or friends - and, by the time they're ready to do what I'd told them to do, they have to go to work.

I love this game, but it makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes -_- .
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Moonface (in 'Woman runs 49 red lights in ex's car')' Wrote: If only she had ran another 20 lights. :hehe:

(Thanks to Nilla for the avatar, and Megan for the sig!)

(This post was last modified: 07-24-2022, 12:24 PM by Shiny Star.)
Dead by Daylight. You get those annoying killers that will camp around the hooks or start slugging everyone. It's a good tactic at times but it can be frustrating for the receiving end. I get people camping a bit in the game but to the point where it's excessive is annoying. Borrowed Time or Off The Record helps counteract that though but you'd have to have the perk enabled, which most don't.

[Image: 76561198120231752.png]
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(07-24-2022, 12:20 PM)Shiny Star Wrote: Dead by Daylight. You get those annoying killers that will camp around the hooks or start slugging everyone. It's a good tactic at times but it can be frustrating for the receiving end. I get people camping a bit in the game but to the point where it's excessive is annoying. Borrowed Time or Off The Record helps counteract that though but you'd have to have the perk enabled, which most don't.

Just to add to this, people who hide in lockers or don’t team play. It used to be that there was no indication to the killer that someone was hiding. Made it so hard to play the game when you’re a player or so down.

However, since the update, a small explosion goes off when people are stationary for too long. It’s useful as it alerts the killer and means you can dispose of the people who play on jumping in the vent at the end. I don’t get why people hide in lockers so often when it’s more fun to win - otherwise it just feels like you’re not getting the full experience out of the game. I’d get it more if you were on your last hook. I’d still play on like nothing happens. Earlier there were 2 people hiding all the time, hated it. Made me realise since this update how often it happens.
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