Parasaurolophus(Near crested lizard) was a particularly striking looking hadrosaur/duck-billed dinosaur. It is known to have lived in what is now Canada and the Western and Southwestern parts of the United States. Some believe that Charonosaurus was just another species of Parasaurolophus but this isn’t universally accepted. More fossils are needed to settle the debate. There are three definitively known species: P. walkeri(type species), P. cyrtocristatus, and P. tubicen. These dinosaurs were relatively large, at 9.5 meters long and about 3 tonnes.
Parasaurolophus would’ve eaten plants like ferns and leaves. The function of the crescent moon or banana shaped crest was debated upon for years. The most likely theories are sound and visual display. Interestingly, Sandia National Labratories recorded the sound of a Parasaurolophus and reported that it sounded like a foghorn. Parasaurolophus was relatively rare in the fossil record but this doesn’t necessarily mean they were rare. These hadrosaurs likely lived in herds like the vast majority of their relatives did. A white tailed deer or elephant style social group with lone males, occasional all male "bachelor herds", and "nursery herds" with adult females along with juveniles of both sexes is a plausible idea but it would be pure speculation.
Predators of this dinosaur included Daspletosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Albertosaurus, Bistahieversor, and Teratophoneus. Smaller theropods such as Chirostenotes, Caenagnathus, Sauronitholestes, Stenonychosaurus, Ornithomimus, Dromiceiomimus, and Struthiomimus would only be able to threaten younglings. Large crocodiles like Deinosuchus and pterosaurs(albeit only to younglings) might’ve also been a threat. Parasaurolophus would’ve been able to not only run fast but also fight hard with tail slaps and possibly biting so these dinosaurs were likely difficult prey and only sick, old, young, or injured individuals were vulnerable to predation.
Parasaurolophus is a very popular dinosaur. Its appearances in film, TV, and literature are so numerous it would be impossible to list them all.