(08-11-2021, 04:53 AM)Cory Wrote: I'm to the point where I honestly wish the last girl I asked out would move away to a different city or something so I wouldn't have to think about her and the situation I originally put myself in. We only work 3 hours with each other a week, but every time I see a mere sight of her my brain starts to hurt again because I tend to overthink things. She's 1 out of 3 women that I asked out that still works at the same place I work at, the other 2 have vanished, which I am thankful for so we can move on with our life. Granted, I didn't have as many feelings for the 2 girls that already left compared to the girl that still works with me, but I think it alleviated some of the mixed feelings I had for them.
I'm personally an idiot for asking her out in the first place when I obviously wasn't ready for a relationship, the fact that she's a lot younger than me, and the fact that I'm clearly not considered relationship-material because little to no women have paid attention to me during my lifetime, it's like I'm a dead carcass lying on the road that everyone just runs over and doesn't give a second thought about. There's my bad self-esteem kicking in again, one of the many reasons I'll never be in a relationship.
I should have left it at the point where when she said let's just be friends I would actually befriend her and not be a clingy moron. I suppose you live and learn, now I know in the future that I won't push so many boundaries and just try and take things a whole lot slower, starting off with friendship, not that I'm any better at making friends than being in a relationship. I'm pretty hopeless altogether when it comes to making friends and being in a relationship. It's like I can't be bothered because I take rejection too harshly, I don't even know where to begin, or I consider the world a bunch of overbearingly judgemental hypocrites that talk the talk and do not walk the walk.
I'm sorry if this post or any of my posts seem off-topic to the thread at hand and sorry if I seem so negative. This is the best topic I could find that alleviates my never-ending pain of how big of a failure I am in the world of relationships.
Sorry to hear that, and I hope the awkwardness fades over time (if it hasn't done so already).
I know you've spoken in the past about relationships being a waste of time. And I agree to an extent - in that I consider
actively seeking out a relationship (e.g. by dating) to be a waste of my time. Just going out with random women, and not knowing what to talk about with them (or what, if anything, I have in common with them) just sounds completely un-fun to me

. I'm not saying it's
impossible to find a great partner by doing this (because it certainly
is possible), but I don't think it's a
recipe for finding them. I'd probably have to sift though a lot of unsuitable partners before I find one who's a good match for me - and IMO it's just not worth the effort or the stress.
For me, it really only works if it happens organically, i.e. if I meet them over the course of my daily life. Which, of course, takes a
lot of time (it could take months, or even years). Of course, the more you put yourself out there, the more chance you have of finding someone sooner - but, that doesn't mean going out with the specific
aim of finding a partner. It means doing things that you enjoy,
because you enjoy them. And if you find anybody by doing that - then, that's a bonus. (And the entire relationship-forming process is far less awkward, since you already know you have
something in common with them
