RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 03-02-2019
"You'd look better huge than me! " Albany replied. She stuck her tongue out at him.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 03-02-2019
"Fine," Sean grumbled, as he collected both the Treacle Topaz and the Polar Peridot. "I'll do it."
Sean trudged out of the puzzle chamber, feeling rather uneasy that Greg and Albany might attempt to kill one another while he was gone. He attempted to take his mind off this as he strode back through the main lobby where they had first woken up: how long ago had that been? It felt like months, but a glance at his watch revealed that they had been there for only six hours. Perhaps the world media had picked up on their predicament, and sent assistance; however, considering how remote this cavern was, it surely wouldn't arrive for several days. Perhaps, by then, it would be too late - so, Sean concluded that he had no option but to press ahead with his quest.
When he made it into the monster's lair, he discovered - to his relief - that the miniaturised beast was still lying comatose on the floor, with the Horn of Hermes around its arm. He knew what he had to do here: grow himself using a reversed Polar Peridot, then grab the Horn of Hermes off the monster's arm. He glanced down at his belt, took a deep breath, and then proceeded: he unclipped the reverser from the Treacle Topaz, then attached it to the base of the Polar Peridot - and finally, he attached this to his belt.
As Sean had predicted, his body began to swell in all directions: his characteristically light frame suddenly became immensely imposing and intimidating, as it grew to tower over all other life in the cave. Fortunately, Sean still had plenty of room to move about: he was glad he'd chosen to do this in a vast cavern designed for an equally titanic creature! He was also pleased to see that he hadn't ripped any of his clothes: the Mayardians had thought of this problem, and so, his shirt and his jeans had grown along with his body. Unfortunately, they were doing very little to protect him from the climate of the cave: what had previously been only a mild nip now became a bitterly unpleasant chill, which caused Sean to curl up in order to protect his own body heat. Clearly, the vulnerability of a reversed Polar Peridot was not to be taken lightly.
Knowing that there was no time to lose, Sean reached down with his left index finger, and lopped the Horn of Hermes off the end of the beast's arm. As it was no longer under the influence of this gem, it rapidly expanded back to its usual size - but, Sean's gigantic frame protected him here: instead of crushing him, the monster simply pushed him out of the way. Most importantly, it continued to sleep soundly: it hadn't stirred at all.

!" Sean squeaked, as quietly as he could, to avoid awakening the sleeping giant.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 03-05-2019
Albany had followed after Sean, and was watching the commotion. She was beaming by the time Sean had finished retrieving the Horn of Hermes. Although it turned out her happiness was not anything to do with this.
"I'm so happy it's only sleeping!" she peered down at the monster. "I think we should call it Cedric."
She noted this down in her journal, for good measure.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 03-07-2019
"Seriously?" Greg questioned behind Albany. "Why would you name a monster? And Cedric? That's a dumb name!" he commented shaking his head. "I swear your nuts..."
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 03-07-2019
"Cedric!" Albany called out, seemingly ignoring Greg's complaints entirely.
She then turned around to the other two. "So, where are we going next, anyway? Also, I rather think now we have a few gems, that we should eat get to hang onto one."
She thought about this for a moment, before crying out "Bagsie the Polar Peridot!!"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 03-07-2019
Greg rolled his eyes. “You just like being small.” He said shaking his head. “I don’t care what we do with them myself.”
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 03-11-2019
"Or maybe she likes being big!" Sean boomed, his deafening voice causing the walls of the cave to quake and shudder.
He then decided that he'd best stop before he caused the walls to cave in, which would surely trap them for good this time. So, he un-clipped the reversed Polar Peridot from his belt, restoring him to his usual size, and handed the it over to Albany, as she had requested.
He then turned to Greg, and held out the Pearl of Neptus, Horn of Hermes, and Treacle Topaz, for him to choose from. "So, which one would you like?"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 03-16-2019
"Ooh yay! I love being tiny!!" Albany shrieked. Although, to her companions, this seemed odd, in reality she just liked being small because it reduced the pain on her leg, which by now had swollen up quite a bit.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 03-17-2019
Greg rolled his eyes. “Don’t care what one.” He said with a shrug.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 03-23-2019
"So", Albany chimed in. "Where are we going next? I wanna explore more!!"
She was beginning to forget the ordeal that they'd gone through, and was becoming more and more intrigued by the cave they'd become trapped in.