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Three Keys to Freedom - Printable Version

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RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 12-15-2018

"I'll do it!" Albany shrieked. "I've got my lantern to see with!"

There was also the fact that every time she'd used the Polar Peridot to shrink, her leg pain had gone.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 12-22-2018

"Great - here you go :D !" Sean cried out, as he handed the Polar Peridot to his close friend. With a sudden wisp of ice-cold wind, she was shrunk to no more than the size of his hand. 

Before she entered, Sean checked the tunnel for traps by shining his lantern into it. The good news was, as far as he could tell, there was no sign of any danger: just a straight path lined with solid, honey-coloured bricks.

"Looks like you're all clear, Albany - but, do keep alert!"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 12-29-2018

Albany was pleased to be feeling better again. She almost thought she could jump for joy, but that would be a bit much. She entered the hole, treading carefully and slowly. Her small size didn't stop the passageway from being cramped.

"I don't see anything yet - should I keep going?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 01-07-2019

(OOC: It's your turn, @ Megan!)

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 01-08-2019

(Yeah, yeah!)

"Maybe just go a little further?" Greg suggested as he leaned against the wall. He was still rather out of breathe, but was trying to hide the fact, and look cool instead.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 01-17-2019

"Yes, go on," Sean agreed. "It definitely looks like you're all clear for now; however, I can't see what's around that corner up ahead, so do be careful - and, be ready to retreat if there's anything dangerous!"

However, there was no sign of anything suspicious further up: there were no menacing growls or noises, and nothing about the passage smelled particularly ominous. And, even if there was anything in there, it wasn't going to be particularly large: Albany had entered through the base of the table, and from there, the passage sloped upward - not downward.

Of course, there was only one way that Albany was going to find out...

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 01-21-2019

Albany obliged, and headed further along the pathway. She stuck tightly to one of the walls, hoping that would give her some cover if startled.

Slowing her pace, she turned at the corner, and continued to go along the path.

"Please no spiders, please no spiders, please no spiders..."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 01-28-2019

Greg sighed as he and Sean waited while Albany explored. He soon grew rather bored. "Aren't you done yet?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 01-31-2019

"Well, we'd best not rush her," Sean suggested. "We don't know what's in there. It may be that there's a very challenging obstacle in there - one which may even need more than one of us. In that case, we'd need to somehow retrieve the Horn of Hermes from that monster...."

Fortunately, no such scheme was necessary, as Albany soon returned, carrying an arcane-looking object of some kind. However, it was too small for Sean to see exactly what it was: he'd need to defer to Albany's wisdom. 

"Congrats, Albany :O ! What's that you've got there?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 02-02-2019

Fortunately for Albany, there were no spiders about. She did, however, come across some kind of old object. Inside the passageway, she couldn't really make it out. It was only when she returned to the others that she got a chance to examine the object.

"I found a thing!" she cheered, before finally giving it a proper look.

"What is this gizmo anyway? I would have said it was some sort of key, but I really don't think it is. It's almost like a cog or something."

Speaking of cogs, her imagination started kicking into gear about what this thing might actually be for.

"Maybe the Mayardians were building automatons? Maybe this is like the keys in those clockwork robot toys? Wouldn't that be a curious find?"