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Three Keys to Freedom - Printable Version

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RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 01-10-2024

"I don't really sounded almost like humming. They weren't angry, but they didn't sound pleased either."

Albany sighed.

"I'm sorry I can't be more helpful."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 01-21-2024

"Well then... should we try and get away from these people?" Sean suggested. "Especially if they're not happy with us :-/ ..."

Suddenly, Sean had a flash of inspiration.

"Remember that tunnel where we got stuck at a cliff face? We can get up there now... we can just use the Treacle Topaz!"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 02-04-2024

“I don’t really remember.” Greg said with a shrug. “Is there even anything up there?”

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 02-11-2024

"But that cliff face is still behind quicksand and a flooded tunnel", Albany pointed out. "It will take a lot of effort for all of us to reach it once more, and even then only one person can go up."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 02-14-2024

"Well, the bridge we built over the quicksand should still be there," Sean reminded Albany. "And as for the flooded tunnel... there is still that narrow passageway that allows us to bypass it. One of us can take the Pearl of Neptus; swim down the tunnel; then use the Horn of Hermes to go down the narrow passageway and hand the Pearl of Neptus back to the next person... if that makes sense :) ."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 02-18-2024

Greg shuddered. "That sounds like too much work...and water."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 03-02-2024

Albany quickly volunteered herself to go first. She didn't fancy being alone with Greg, and quickly performed the necessary maneouvres. Swimming across the flooded tunnel proved to be quite arduous, especially not helped by the fact that she was sure she could see something moving at the bottom of the tunnel.

Running through the narrow passage and passing on the gems back to Sean and Greg, she made sure to mention this.

"It looked like an eel of some sort...I'd be careful if I were you two."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 03-11-2024

"Ugh, great -_-," Sean groaned, as he clipped the two gems to his own belt. "Well, thanks for warning us!"

But then, he had a brainwave. In addition to those two gems, he would use the Treacle Topaz, to allow himself to cling to the tunnel walls. This strategy proved to be slow, but effective: he managed to shimmy his way past the eel without getting shocked, and eventually joined Albany on the other side - out of breath, but completely unharmed.

"Just you now, Greg!" Sean called, as he passed the gems back to the final member of the trio.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 03-14-2024

Greg frowned looking pouty as he looked down at the water shaking his head. "I don't wanna..." he whined childishly.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 03-22-2024

Albany was none too pleased at Greg for this.

"Fine, you stay there and get discovered by Atlini's 'friends' for your troubles", she shouted, almost immediately whispering an apology to Sean for sounding so rude.