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Three Keys to Freedom - Printable Version

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RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 06-24-2023

“Sounds like a job for a girl.” Greg said quickly with a grin.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 07-09-2023

"Hmph...I'm not scared - unlike you boys!" Albany shouted, clearly angry at both men for their lack of chivalry. She equipped herself with the reversing ruby, and began to inch her way down the tunnel. The burning sensation that she'd felt when she stuck her hand in there before was completely gone, but she still felt a warm glow on her hands.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 07-12-2023

Sean felt a little apprehensive, as Albany gradually disappeared into the glowing red void. All he could do now was wait: the longer this dragged on, the more he became anxious that something had happened, and he would be left all alone with Greg...

Fortunately, his worries were for nothing - as Albany eventually re-emerged from the tunnel, carrying a mysterious black box. However, she looked exhausted...

"Want me or Greg to help you open that?" Sean offered.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 07-19-2023

“About time slow poke.” Greg commented rolling his eyes. “Women are so slow…”

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 07-28-2023

( @ Pyrite: It's your turn :) )

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 07-29-2023

"Slow!?" she exclaimed. "YOU try going down that tunnel! Even with the gem it was sweltering hot, and I couldn't see because everything was upside down."

Incensed, she thrust the black box onto the ground and hurried off down the greenlit tunnel, looking for somewhere to rest and calm herself down.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 07-31-2023

"Well, I guess I should just open this..." Sean sighed, as he pried open the little black box.

Unsurprisingly, there wasn't a whole lot inside it. There were three tubes of sweets: one caramel, one liquorice, and one strawberry. But, more pertinent to their quest, there was also a new gear, this time with sapphire-encrusted teeth, and a Mayardian numeral '2' marked in the centre.

"I think I know what this does..." Sean pondered. "This must double the powers of each gem!"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 08-14-2023

Greg rolled his eyes. “She’s getting cranky. Must be that time of the month…”

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 09-07-2023

Sean snarled and glared at Greg, grinding his teeth and suppressing the urge to punch him.

"Look... this is the first time she's shown any sign of losing her temper since she got here!" he yelled. "But you've done nothing but be cranky this whole time! I know it's stressful for us all - but you're really in no position to judge..."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 09-17-2023

Albany, meanwhile, had made it all the way back to Atlini's chamber. She figured that, eventually, the other two would come this way looking for her. However, before that happened, she heard other voices that she didn't recognise, speaking a language she didn't understand. Not sure what else to do, she climbed inside the coffin that Atlini had been trapped in, and closed the lid over, leaving only a small gap for her to get out later. The voices seemed to be getting louder, so she kept still and hoped that nothing would come of it - and that these voices wouldn't discover her friends either.