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Three Keys to Freedom - Printable Version

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RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 01-08-2023

"Hey, that rock might be precious beyond our wildest dreams!" Albany exclaimed, rushing over to make sure that it wasn't damaged. As she studied the remaining rocks, a thought came to her mind.

"I wonder if this will work..."

Taking hold of the reversing gear, she plugged in the Kardashian Carnelian, then dropped it to the ground immediately so that it wouldn't affect her. Instead, whomever next picked it up would be the one gaining intelligence and losing effectively their entire wealth.

"So...which one of us wants all the smarts of the wealth?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 01-15-2023

"I'll try it :D !" Sean exclaimed excitedly. He picked up the reversed Kardashian Carnelian - and was a bit embarrassed when his clothes immediately transformed into torn, dirty rags. However, it did enable him to formulate a strategy...

"Let's put one rock on the scales - and pour sand on the other side until the scales balance. Then, we note down how much sand we needed for each rock - which will tell us the weight of each one. Finally, I'll look at all the weights, and figure out how to make them balance. Does that sound good?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 01-15-2023

"That sounds like a lot of effort." Greg said with a frown kicking at the ground. "I rather an easier way..."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 01-15-2023

"That sounds fun!" Albany exclaimed. She immediately knelt down on the ground and scooped up a handful of sand.

"Let's weigh the fool's gold rock first."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 01-18-2023

"Of course :) ," Sean agreed, as he placed the fool's gold rock on the scales. Then, he stood and waited, as Albany gradually released sand onto the other side of the scales, until the scales were perfectly balanced.

But then, when they did... one of the panels in the wall slid back, revealing the exit.

Sean couldn't help but burst out laughing. "That was easier than I expected Rofl !!!!!"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 01-22-2023

"That...that's so dumb!" Greg said shaking his head. "That shouldn't even of worked."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 02-05-2023

"Just because the other rocks seem a little pointless now doesn't mean they won't be useful for something later", Albany said. She was excited to see a new passageway to explore, although given the issues with the heat room she'd encountered previously, she wasn't rushing to head into it.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 02-09-2023

"Yeah, we can always collect a few of them," Sean agreed, as he put a mix of them into his backpack - making sure to take the fool's gold one, as well as a couple of the heavier ones, in case they came handy.

He then peered down the newly-revealed tunnel. To his dismay, the beautiful mosaics had gone - and they were back to bare rock faces. However, he also noticed a small pedestal, upon which a golden treasure chest was located...

(OOC: The map in the opening post has been updated... at last :lol: !)

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 02-12-2023

"Oh boy another useless chest..." Greg said with a sigh making a fake bowing gesture to Albany. "Ladies first."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 02-28-2023

Albany scurried across to the chest, completely ignoring her two companions. She was eager to see what was inside it. With some care, she opened the chest - and was rather disappointed initially to see just a green-tinted sand. However, digging her hands in, she was able to pull out another Mayardian gem. This one had two distinct bands, a ruby one that reflected and an emerald one that transmitted.

A quick translation revealed it to be called the Reversing Ruby. Albany wasn't quite sure on the full meaning of the text, but it mentioned both heat and vision. Clipping it to herself, she didn't feel anything too different, but suddenly her vision had flipped and everything looked upside-down to her.

"Sean! Greg! You're on the ceiling!" she exclaimed.