RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 08-16-2018
"I can try...but I might fall in..." Albany shouted in reply. Nevertheless, she let go of the cliff and allowed herself to fall onto the puzzle piece. The impact cracked some of the surrounding ice, but she was safe...ish.
Recompiling herself, Albany tried to stand up.
"Um...what now?"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 08-25-2018
"Just dance across the ice, like you did before," Sean suggested. "Now that you know how safe the ice is, it should be easier the second time

Sean then glanced back across the icy chasm, towards Greg - who still hadn't left the opposite bank of the icy lake. "Does that look like it's going to be safe enough for you?"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 08-25-2018
Greg snorted. “Probably not for anyone, ut it doesn’t really matter if it is or not.”
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 08-29-2018
"Sure, yeah, safe…"
Albany put one foot onto the ice. She almost slipped, but managed to start gliding across, past the protruding limbs from last time.
"This isn't safe, Sean!!" she screamed, ice cracking behind her as she slid across as fast as she could.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 09-13-2018
OOC: Whoops, didn't realise it was my turn! Very sorry about that

BIC: As Sean observed Albany gliding across the icy surface of the lake, it was apparent to him that she was right. The ice was cracking and splitting behind her - and it became apparent to him that she could be consumed by the lake any second.
In aid of his dear friend, he rushed back to the puzzle chamber, to collect another two puzzle pieces. When he got back, he discovered to his relief that Albany had successfully made it more than halfway across.
He threw the two puzzle pieces in Albany's general direction, taking care not to hit her with them. They landed just in front of her, leaving her a safe path back to the opposite bank.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 10-17-2018
Albany slid and crashed onto the first puzzle piece. She almost fell over, but managed to steady herself.
" for that!" she shouted, before scurrying across the puzzle pieces as fast as her legs would carry her (and, given the pain her other leg was still in, that wasn't terribly fast).
She sat down, unclipped the gems from her belt. She also retrieved her journal, and began to write in it, about the gems and the passages they had travelled through thus far.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 10-27-2018
Sean sat next to Albany, and slowly nursed and rubbed her injured leg. She had attempted to hide the pain and discomfort she was in; however, it had been obvious to Sean for her entire journey across the lake. She hadn't been as graceful as she was in her initial crossing: indeed, it appeared that she'd been fighting to get across.
Once Sean had made Albany comfortable, he tossed the gems back over the lake, so that Greg could make the same journey. "Hey, you get the easy job now. We've already cleared a path for you!"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 10-28-2018
Greg slowly nodded, as he attached the gems to his belt. Sighing he got to work crossing the lake due to the new path that had been made, which was a lot easier. By the time he made it over to the others he was completely out of breath, gasping for air.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 12-10-2018
Albany had been sitting around, still feeling rather sorry for herself. Seeing the state Greg was in only made her feel worse.
"So I guess we're going back to that table now?"
She slowly got up, rather thankful for the presence of her walking stick.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 12-14-2018
"Yeah, that's the plan

," Sean confirmed.
He led the way back to the puzzle chamber, which was now missing at least half of its puzzle pieces, after he had pilfered them in order to solve various other tasks around the cave system. He gazed at the table for a moment, wondering whether it was even possible to solve the puzzle with the remaining pieces. However, he was then distracted by the sight of a dark, shadowy archway, carved into the base of the table. It resembled a slightly oversized mousehole: it can't have been any more than six inches tall.
"Anyone want to find out what's in there?" Sean asked, offering the Polar Peridot to his two friends. "Either of you feeling brave?"