RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 06-25-2022
"To be honest, I don't think he could..." Sean argued. "Not unless he knows a secret way out..."
Sean turned to Atlini, and asked him in Mayardian whether there was any escape. "AnnĂș insi bochli", he answered, shaking his head.
"I should explain, in Mayardian culture, shaking your head means 'yes' and nodding your head means 'no'," Sean clarified. "But he just said we need three keys to get out of here... doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know

RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 06-26-2022
"Cause he's useless." Greg said rolling his eyes. "Are we done here yet?"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 06-26-2022
"Well, since he knows a lot about this place, he should come with us!" Albany chimed. "We'll have our own little tour guide!"
With no path left but backwards, she began to happily march back down the tunnel again.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 06-30-2022
"AggĂș!" Atlini called out. "Wehta alka bochlu!"
"He says he knows the location of one of the keys!" Sean called out, as Atlini pointed down the left-most of the three tunnels, with the eerie green light that they had avoided earlier.
However, as they followed Atlini down the passage, they found the light growing more and more intense, until it became intolerable...
"I can't go any further!" Sean called out. "I'm gonna get blinded!"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 07-04-2022
"What a shame that would be." Greg said with a smirk. "Probably his plan." he said gesturing to their new 'tour guide.'
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 07-05-2022
"I've got an idea!" Albany shouted. "Why doesn't one of us put Medusa's Moonstone into the reversing gear? Then you'll be able to see really well!"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 07-11-2022
"Great idea... or we could just use Medusa's Moonstone as it is!" Sean suggested. "That way, this horrible light simply
won't affect us!"
Sean strapped Medusa's Moonstone onto his belt. Sure enough, he was no longer able to detect any of the light... however, he had to navigate purely by feel. Fortunately, Atlini was willing to help: he took one of Sean's hands, and guided him all the way through.
Once he had made it past the light, he threw Medusa's Moonstone all the way back to the other end, along with the reversing gear. "Here you go, Albany... I'm sure your method will work too

RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 07-13-2022
"Or it won't." Greg said shrugging. "And me and Albany can stay here all by our lonesome." he said smirking.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 07-14-2022
Albany could faintly see Sean blindly fumbling about until he disappeared through the green light. She sighed, turned to Greg and tried to contain herself from laughing.
"If he wanted to fumble about like that, he could have just closed his eyes..."
Once she had the Medusa's Moonstone and the reversing gear, she attached them. Sure enough, her eyesight was strengthened enough to take in the light and see down the tunnel. But before she set off, she was able to take in Greg's comment.
"Oh, it wouldn't be lonely - I'd still have your company!" she beamed. "And Sean would have At...At...mister the guide!" She blushed a little from her failure to remember his name, but reassured herself that it would come up again, and that Greg probably didn't care enough to remember it anyway.
As she made her way down the tunnel, she made a point of looking around for anything interesting that Sean and the guide may have missed. Sure enough, there was a small, circular opening halfway through the tunnel. A passage perhaps, although it was too small even for her to fit through. What's more, this time the colour of the light was a deep and menacing red.
Once she reached the end of the green lit tunnel, she threw the Moonstone and reversing gear back to Gregg, and waited for him to rejoin the group. In the meantime, she informed Sean and the guide of her findings.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 07-18-2022
Sean scratched his head pensively.
"Hmmm... now that you mention it, I did feel a throbbing sensation when I placed my hand on one of the rocks. It must have been the entrance to that tunnel... you said it was very small, so perhaps you could use the Polar Peridot to explore it?"