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Three Keys to Freedom - Printable Version

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RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 12-30-2021

"Aww...but the light is pretty" Albany smiled. "But you know best and I'll follow your lead, Sean."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 02-18-2022

Sean rolled his eyes at Greg once again, but he was relieved to have won Albany's trust, at least. As requested, he led the way down the middle one - which actually wasn't too dark, despite the lack of the eerie green light that the left-most passage had. There were plenty of candles lining the edges of the tunnel - so he could easily see any threats coming.

Once he reached the end, he spotted a simple wooden coffin, lying atop a carved marble table. There was someone inside, persistently banging the lid, and shouting in Mayardian...

"Merzai Hlom!"

"They're asking for help..." Sean explained to his friends. "Should we...?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 02-28-2022

"Heck no. Who knows what's in there?" Greg said immediately backing away.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 04-10-2022

"Why not ask some more questions before dismissing them?" Albany suggested.

"Or, have the Kardashian Carnelian or Medusa's Moontstone at the ready. If they try to attack us, we can make them blind or stupid!"

Pleased with her idea, she sauntered towards the coffin to see how heavy the lid was.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 04-15-2022

"Good thinking :D !" Sean remarked, as he grabbed hold of Medusa's Moonstone. "Should probably go with this one... most of the monsters down here are very stupid, and that doesn't stop them from attacking us..."

He then turned towards the coffin and asked the person whether they were Mayardian. "Hana idi Mayardii?"

"Itla", came the reply. "Ena, aba itlótli..."

"He was," Sean translated. "But they cast him out..."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 05-01-2022

"Probably cause he's just trouble." Greg said rolling his eyes, his arms crossed. "Just leave him be then!"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 05-01-2022

( @ Pyrite - Since it's been over a week since anybody posted in the thread, prior to the post Megan just made, I think I should notify you that it's your turn now :) )

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 05-01-2022

"Aww the poor guy..." Albany said. "Let's let him out. He can't do much harm, and he might know his way around this place."

She took a few steps towards the coffin, before freezing for a moment.

"But, er, first can you ask him why they cast him out?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 05-03-2022

"Sounds like a good idea :) ," Sean agreed, as he turned towards the coffin. "Hoba ama itlotló?"

"Hiba zanhla óito," the Mayardian responded. "Wagha ambo ittú. Emba kanna... Martin."

Sean gasped. "He wanted to rescue Martin, but they wouldn't let him!"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 05-22-2022

Greg snorted. "Yeah right. He's probably just lying and is some crazed killer!"