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Three Keys to Freedom - Printable Version

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RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 04-15-2021

Greg rolled his eyes. “It’s just a dumb peach! What’s the big deal?” He added  tossing his arms. “Plus they’re disgusting...bleh.”

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 05-04-2021

"Hey!" Albany shouted, her elation turned to irritation. "Peaches are lovely! They're sweet and nutritious and they make your hands go all sticky!"

She held the tin close to her chest.

"You agree with me, don't you, Sean?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 05-23-2021

"Of course I do!" Sean agreed. "Granted, I'm not a fan of the sticky hands, but other than that, they're very tasty Besides, we really need to take what we can get down here..."

He then grabbed three tins of peaches, and moved to place them in his bag. "But, if you insist, then I suppose Albany and I can take three tins each, leaving you with nothing :hehe: . It's up to you."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 05-29-2021

Greg shot a glare. “Stop being a jerk. I don’t like them but I’ll eat them. I just don’t like sweet stuff.”

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 06-10-2021

"Awww, well that's okay. You don't have to like them - I just want to make sure you eat!"

Albany smiled at him and held out one of the tins for him to take. Inside, she was a little disappointed by Greg's opinion, but she didn't want to show it.

"We should head back down the stairs, if there isn't anything else!"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 06-12-2021

Sean, too, dutifully handed over one of his three tins, before carefully proceeding past the box, to see if the tunnel continued anywhere.

"Nope... just seems to be a dead end Shrug ," he reported. "I mean, maybe there's a secret entrance somewhere, but... I see no sign of one :-/ . Probably best to just go back the way we came, and try one of the other tunnels."

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 07-06-2021

Greg sighed. “All the way back?” He grumbled. “Fine I guess…” he said as they started to head back.

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Pyrite - 09-22-2021

"All the way back!" Albany exclaimed. She happily skipped down the stairs whilst humming a song to herself. Once at the bottom, she turned to face her two companions.

"Which one shall we try next?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Kyng - 10-17-2021

OOC: Whoops, didn't realise it was my turn again :( !

BIC: Sean made it back to the three entrances shortly after Albany did - and then, peered at the two unexplored ones. He was a bit perturbed by the eerie light emanating from the left-most one - and, was instead drawn towards the middle one.

"I say we try that one," he suggested, pointing to the middle tunnel. "Just a little freaked out by the light from the other one... what do you say?"

RE: Three Keys to Freedom - Megan - 10-17-2021

Greg snorted. "You scared of a light? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" he asked rolling his eyes.