RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 02-17-2020
"Guess I don't know my own strength, eh?" Albany smiled back at Greg's glare. She peered down the stairs - it seemed a dark and uninviting place, and gave her a chill in her back.
"Reckon we should head down there? It looks kind of spooky."
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 02-22-2020
Sean was looking understandably apprehensive. However, after a little bit of thought, he concluded that, whatever danger was lurking down there, the three of them would have the best chance of survival if they faced it together.
"Yes, it does - but we've got nothing to lose. Let's go."
Sean led the way, closely followed by Greg and Albany. He trod his path very gingerly: he was mindful of the lack of a handrail - not to mention the possibility that the Mayardians had laid traps. However, he didn't run into any - and he made it down to the bottom of the staircase without a hitch. Sadly, there was no way to see what lurked ahead of them: there were no torches lining the way, and the one in the previous cavern was but a glimmer in the distance by now, which would soon fade into pitch black.
"If only we had a night vision gem..." Sean lamented.
But, perhaps he did, and he just needed to think a little harder?
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 03-11-2020
As she stared down the dark tunnel, though a little terrified for her own safety, Albany's eyes lit up. She had a plan.
"Do you still have that reversing gear thingummy?" she asked, leaning towards Sean. "I reckon that and the Medusa's Moonstone will help us see what's down here."
She fumbled in the dark, trying to get it out of Sean's backpack.
"Although I hope it doesn't reverse turn you into a snake..."
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 03-23-2020
Greg smirked. "But you'd make such a cute little snake." he said. "I think that would be fun."
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 03-28-2020
"Oh, I'm pretty certain it won't do that," Sean assured Albany. "It'll just make you vulnerable to snake poison. So we'd best just hope and pray that there aren't any snakes down here..."
"Though I will admit, I do agree with Greg," he added, with a chuckle. "You would make a cute snake

RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 03-30-2020
"Ugh, snakes are such slimy, horrible creatures, though." Albany frowned, less than impressed by the comments she received from both of her companions.
Grimacing a little, she clipped on the Medusa's Moonstone, lighting up the pathway.
"It's okay, guys, just stay close to me and we can get through this place!"
She had to be careful now - go too far ahead and her friends would be left in the dark. But her sense of adventure was kicking in, so it became hard to hang back so much.
"Guys, it's so beautiful - I think the Mayardians must have decorated this place."
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 03-30-2020
Greg smirked. "That's why you'd make a good snake." he said before following after Albany.
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Kyng - 06-28-2020
OOC: Whoops, didn't realise it was my turn! Sorry I left this for three months

BIC: Sean was very curious as to what his friend could see - as he was still having immense trouble picking out the edges of the walls - let alone any Mayardian carvings. He thought about asking Albany if he could take a look; however, he figured this would merely slow the three of them down even more. As a result, he kept quiet, and dutifully followed his friends, making sure to keep hold of Greg, so that he didn't fall too far behind.
The lack of vision made him feel very tense: he could be about to encounter an unsteady floor or a spiked trap, and he'd be none the wiser. However, his trust in his friends served him well - as all three of them safely made it to the end of the tunnel.
Sean then called out to Albany, to seek advice on what to do next. "So... where do we need to go now?"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Pyrite - 08-01-2020
Albany didn't take kindly to Greg's retort, but she also didn't care all that much because being able to see all the murals and emblems was so much fun. She felt bad for the other two, not being able to see, and made a note to give one of them the gem next time they traveled down this tunnel.
"Er...I mean, there's three different ways we could go", she told Sean. "One is up some stairs - there seems to be light coming from there. The other two lead downward...although there's some strange glow coming from the one on the left. What do you guys want to do?"
RE: Three Keys to Freedom -
Megan - 08-01-2020
"Wouldn't going up make more sense?" Greg suggested slightly out of breath from Sean yanking him along.