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I'll add a couple minor points. Usually a lot of the cutting up and joking around happens on the Discord while the forum is (usually) where the more serious or in-depth discussions happen. I imagine this occurs partly due to it's faster to respond on Discord for comedic things while the forum is better for writing out longer, more thought out posts. Whether this is an issue or not is subjective. Now there are some exceptions (forum games usually has more joking around) but usually this is how things go. Similarly I've gotten to (kind of) know a few members since I've been here and some I've bonded with more through the Discord and some more through the forum, largely depending on circumstance. As it currently stands if one wanted to maximize their TCH experience so to speak they'd participate on both ends but you don't really HAVE to. I notice you usually find Kyng more on the forum and Nilla more on the Discord for example and that's the community owners! Now fairly I get not everyone will want to go this route but as it stands if one wanted to know the community better that'd be the best direction.
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