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Oct 31, 2014
~I am but one in a sea of chaos.
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Well for me personally, sometimes when I'm on 'other' role play forums that I have been on prior usually when I have done private role plays with Yami or maybe someone else, and I tease them in jest usually it gets shut down pretty fast. So I thought the same would happen here was all. Good to know that it won't.
As to the 'what goes here' thread, at the time it came off like some of us were 'dumb' and didn't know quite where to post what we were wanting to. Like if I wanted to make a thread about jam and there were like 3 different threads of how someone made it but I wanted to add something to the thread. But I also need to remember how huge this forum is and sometimes not knowing where a thread is posted can be daunting. D:
Honestly I don't think the staff are too stuffy here but I also don't post a lot here. At the end of the day I come here to see what's up and post how I am doing, or in a thread like this posting my two cents: as it were.
I think that in the role play chat thread, teasing is fine. Maybe even in the general chat thread too. I need to maybe check out the rest of the forum to suggest other ways to help since it's been a hot minute since I actually took a look at what all is here. But it might take me a while. I am still dealing with stuff, and won't be here reading all the time I have other stuff like life. haha But I do want to help where I can, I've been here and giving back to thank everyone would be a great way to say thank you to everyone here. Also I will make the TCG Card Game Simulation thread, so ask what you want there. ;3
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