The Coffee House

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I continued screaming which immediately got the attention of both my father and my brother. Alec was quick to grab a spatula and he used it to kill the spider.

I shot him a disgusted look and asked, "You aren't planning on flipping it until it turns a nice golden brown, are you?"

My dad who had been taking a big gulp of soda spit it out in both shock and laughter.
Alyssa wasn't really in the mood to laugh: she was still panting and quivering with fear. Besides, she was a little bit disgusted by the remains of the spider - even though it had scared her earlier.

"I need to go..." she gasped, as she ran off up the stairs and into her bedroom. "I'll leave you to clean it up..."
As I raced up the stairs, I could hear my father and brother worriedly discussing me and what had happened tonight. 


"We cannot let her out of our sight." Dad had insisted.

"I agree," Alec replied. "She has been through too much tonight and I honestly don't feel right going with Zack and Brian on that camping trip next weekend." He grabbed the landline phone and dialed Brian's number. "Hey, Brian." I am sorry to do this but I can't go next weekend to Capricorn Falls with you and Zack. Lys was attacked and neither me or my Dad feel she should stay here by herself until this is all over."  He listened for a few minutes and then added, "Yes, they caught him, but it's Jay Reardon we are talking about. That man could talk his way out of anything."
Alyssa stood in her room and trembled for a little while longer - still traumatised by the spider in the burrito. Eventually, she managed to calm down a bit - after which she changed into her nightie, and climbed into bed.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the phone, Brian gave an uncomfortable, slurred "Okaaaaay", that didn't sound like his natural voice at all...
Alec grinned to himself. "You plastered again? I swear your dad lets you get away with murder!" He teased his friend as he laughed.
Brian then made a few unintelligible gurgling noises, before the signal fizzled out.

Dad could instinctively tell that something was awry. "Are you sure he was just plastered :-/ ?" he asked. "I mean, after tonight, I wouldn't take any chances..."
Alec chuckled and said, "With Brian, it's hard to tell." He then glanced around the room and noticed quickly his sister was nowhere to be seen. "She took off up to her room because of that damn spider?"

Meanwhile, Alyssa was laying on her bed curled up like a ball still shaking like a leaf. She knew right away because of all that had happened her nerves were now shot.
"Well, between that and Mr Reardon's little break-in, I don't blame her for losing it," Dad responded. "Anyway, I'm sure she'll be fine... she'll probably be down like a rocket if we prepare some food, or put her favourite show on TV :lol: . Depends what you feel like, I guess."
"I think we should do something special for her to cheer her up," Alec said.  He then whipped up some of my favorite chicken fajitas complete with fresh tomato, sauteed onions, and peppers(green and red) as well as shredded cheese. He made sure to include grilled chicken in them just for me. He glanced at Dad and asked, "Why don't you whip up some of her favorite triple chocolate chunk brownies for dessert? I can make milkshakes, too for us all."
"Well, the triple chocolate brownies sound great," Dad agreed. "I'll get to it right now :) ."

As Dad started work on preparing the brownie mix, Alec called Alyssa down to start eating freshly-made fajitas. She was a little apprehensive about it, since they were quite similar to the burritos that had just traumatised her; however, since all the fillings were still sizzling on the skillet, she was assured that she could catch any spiders before they ruined her meal.

She then grabbed some chicken, peppers and onions; placed them onto her first tortilla, and rolled it up and took a bite. "Mmmm... yummy :D !"
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