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Awww :( .

In that case, it's archived for now - but I do hope we're able to continue it at some point :) .
Yeah, the plan is to give rebooting it a go in the summer when I have less to do. :P
Oh, darn. I was hoping to come up with a reply, but the RP seemed to be all over the place.
Is anyone interested in Rising From the Ashes? It is a all original character RPG except for Jason.
(03-13-2020, 10:35 PM)Kim Winchester Wrote: [ -> ]Is anyone interested in Rising From the Ashes? It is a all original character RPG except for Jason.

Yes, I am. I just need to sit down and take a bit of time to think of a good character.

(That's why I haven't joined it yet: I will when I get a chance to do that; possibly this evening :) )
That is awesome!
(03-17-2020, 02:40 PM)Kim Winchester Wrote: [ -> ]That is awesome!

Well, it was a little later than planned, but I finally signed up :D .

I'm using one of my characters from my previous RPGs, but it gave me the opportunity to flesh out his back-story a bit :) .
I edited my last post and started it.
By the way, , it's your turn in Out of the Ashes :P .

(Speaking of which... it's going to be a bit confusing having one RPG called "Rising from the Ashes", and one called "Out of the Ashes". So, maybe we should change the name of one of them?)
How about changing the Friday the 13th one to Friday the 13th: Return From the Grave?

Edit: I did change the title to the RPG to that. Hope it helps.
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