The Coffee House

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[Image: EntrialTales.gif]
My personal blog! Here I write about my life and sometimes my various hobbies such as role playing, games, literature, cartoons, etc!
Latest Post: Determination!
Lastest Post: Vacation!
I decided I felt like starting over on my blog as well (yay for analness!), but its back up!

Latest Post: And I'm back!
Latest Post: Birthday!
Yay, Nestor and Aliana :D !

It is nice seeing all these drawings together, though. I'd forgotten some of them :P .
(10-22-2018, 07:04 AM)Kyng Wrote: [ -> ]Yay, Nestor and Aliana :D !

It is nice seeing all these drawings together, though. I'd forgotten some of them :P .

XD Thanks!
Last east post: An actual update?!
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