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A lot of people are fans of science, and a lot of people are fans of music. There's some overlap between those two demographics - and hence, we get some music about science :lol: . These songs don't come up much in the mainstream charts, but they have their own little following.

I'll start with Tom Lehrer's "The Elements", from 1959. This is now 16 elements out of date, but it's still an absolute classic :lol: :

And another one that amused me was "They Demoted Pluto", written by Jimmy and the Keys in 2006, after Pluto lost its status as a planet:

So, do you have any favourites?
I REMEMBER THE ELEMENT SONG. They played that to us at school.

Does The Big Bang Theory theme tune count? :p
Ye've opened the flood gates on this one Smirk

Melody sheep converted a bunch of old science TV shows from back when I was growing up into songs going into various topics with autotuned vocals.  the album is called Symphony of science, here's a few of my favorites.

Monsters of the cosmos.

Onward to the edge.

World of the dinosaurs.