Simple question here: what are your favourite animals?
Myself, mine are platypodes, purely because of how crazy they are

. I'm also a big fan of guinea pigs, since my sister has been keeping them for years now, and they are rather cute - at least, when they aren't trying to eat my lunch

The mantis shrimp is one of mine, definitely

Hm my favorite animal? Gee...I don’t know. Maybe ferrets? XD
Mainly various canines and felines.
(06-24-2018, 06:51 PM)ObsessedwithBirds Wrote: [ -> ]Birds obviously lol
I like those too! Obviously with all the birds I have. Especially like parrotlets.
Cats are pretty cool but I guess I sound basic with that.
Dogs, wolves, foxes, birds, ferrets, bats, platypodes, white tigers, raccoons, and possums.
(06-24-2018, 08:21 PM)Crooked Crow Wrote: [ -> ]Dogs, wolves, foxes, birds, ferrets, bats, platypodes, white tigers, raccoons, and possums.
I approve of the ferrets! XD