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Full Version: Favourite animals?
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Simple question here: what are your favourite animals? 

Myself, mine are platypodes, purely because of how crazy they are :lol: . I'm also a big fan of guinea pigs, since my sister has been keeping them for years now, and they are rather cute - at least, when they aren't trying to eat my lunch :P !

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The mantis shrimp is one of mine, definitely ;)
Hm my favorite animal? Gee...I don’t know. Maybe ferrets? XD
Birds obviously lol
Mainly various canines and felines.
(06-24-2018, 06:51 PM)ObsessedwithBirds Wrote: [ -> ]Birds obviously lol

I like those too! Obviously with all the birds I have. Especially like parrotlets.
Cats are pretty cool but I guess I sound basic with that.
i love all animals
Dogs, wolves, foxes, birds, ferrets, bats, platypodes, white tigers, raccoons, and possums.
(06-24-2018, 08:21 PM)Crooked Crow Wrote: [ -> ]Dogs, wolves, foxes, birds, ferrets, bats, platypodes, white tigers, raccoons, and possums.

I approve of the ferrets! XD
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