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There are some TV shows and movies that have that one scene, that everyone talks about. Perhaps the idea behind it was terrible; or it was executed very poorly; or it just feels completely out of place. But whatever the reason, that one scene is the main thing that people remember, and so it's come to define the reputation of the entire show/movie - and not in a good way.

I'll start with a couple of examples. First we have the infamous "Nuking the fridge" scene from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Here, Indy escapes from a nuclear blast, by hiding in a lead-lined fridge, and letting the explosion throw him out into the wilderness. It's been the subject of much ridicule ever since the film came out: even if Indy survived the nuke itself, it seems far-fetched that the landing wouldn't have killed him:

And my second example comes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's the three words that every Harry Potter fan knows - "Dumbledore asked calmly":

This isn't just completely out of step with the book: it's also completely out of step with how Dumbledore behaved throughout the entire series (and in the first three films). Indeed, when I saw it in the cinema for the first time, this scene completely pulled me out of the film - and, when I got home, I immediately checked my copy of the book to see whether this depiction of him was accurate. When I saw the words "Dumbledore asked calmly" printed on the page, I just burst out laughing :lol: .

So, can you think of any more TV shows and movies whose entire reputations were soiled by just one scene?
13 Reasons Why

oh and basically most Riverdale scenes these days but it’s also hilarious