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Full Version: The "News not worth its own thread" thread
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Just a small update to say that I've added FontAwesome 5 to the board now. This will give us better-looking icons (as well as giving us access to a wider range of different icons).

For now, I still have FontAwesome 4 alongside it (so, the existing icons shouldn't look any different for now). However, FontAwesome 5 will eventually replace it altogether - so, the icons are likely to change a bit at that point :P .
Thanks for the updates. Nice to know what happens on forums because if I go on and there is something different it is the focus but having a heads up I am like oh okay going on to posting. Anyway, sorry for rambling.
(07-07-2019, 07:17 PM)Beckea Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the updates. Nice to know what happens on forums because if I go on and there is something different it is the focus but having a heads up I am like oh okay going on to posting. Anyway, sorry for rambling.

Yeah, I know what you mean there - although, for now, you shouldn't notice any real difference :P . Just a few re-designed thread prefix icons and maybe slightly slower loading times (at least, until FontAwesome 4 has been completely removed from the board, which is a tedious and low-priority task which will take a while :P )

Still, I do try and do my best to keep people posted :) !
I've enabled the 'Review' prefix in Entertainment and its sub-forums.

(It was supposed to be there from the start... and the fact that it wasn't was a pretty careless omission -_- . Fortunately, it's there now :) )
A few days ago, reported a bug with the text editor on the responsive themes. Basically, the scrollbars were messed up, so it wouldn't quite scroll to the end of the message (it'd get stuck before the final quote tag).

Fortunately, I've fixed this issue now, so you should be able to scroll past the final quote tag. Unfortunately, this did involve some CSS changes, so you might need to do a hard refresh (CTRL + F5) in order to get the scrolling to work properly.
While adding Mahkah's Christmas Morning writing contest victory to the Award Gallery Ribbons page, I noticed (and corrected) a couple of mistakes:

  • HeroineDark (not Jarkko) is now credited correctly as the winner of the First Line of Episode Nine contest;
  • Lurkerish Allsorts is now corrected correctly as the winner of Joke Punchline Contest #1 (not the Design a Vivillon contest).

If anyone spots any more, then let me know!
I've disabled the posting icons in the 'Soccer' sub-forum.

These were just the ribbon icons, which are only meant to be used in Contests and in the Award forums. The fact that they were also enabled in Soccer was merely an oversight on my part :P .
Earlier today, ran into problems with submitting arcade scores. When I investigated the issue, I discovered that our arcade software was a couple of versions behind.

Therefore, I have updated the arcade to the latest version. I'm hoping this will have fixed the problem :) .
Yesssss!!!  I was able to finally submit a score.  Thank you for looking into this for me.
(06-19-2020, 08:12 PM)wildflower Wrote: [ -> ]Yesssss!!!  I was able to finally submit a score.  Thank you for looking into this for me.

You're welcome - and I hope we don't have any more issues :) !
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