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Full Version: The "News not worth its own thread" thread
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(01-27-2019, 06:28 PM)Kyng Wrote: [ -> ]I've added an "Original Join Date" custom profile field, where people can enter their original join date from the old TCH if they wish. I still intend to put these join dates back in the actual 'Join Date' field, but until then, this is a temporary workaround. 

Thanks to for the suggestion :) !

Okay, but don't expect to keep your "1874" join date when I eventually do put those back - so, enjoy it while you can :P !

Deleted User 8

Maybe Crow is secretly a time-traveller... :wtf:
If he is, he's clearly not as well-travelled as I am... :P
Damn, I'm even more of a time-traveller then!

I'm from the future and from an alternate universe! 

Actually, that's a good point - if I'm going to play my role as Future Luke properly, I should set my join date to 10 years from now. :P
Regular (i.e. non-staff) members should no longer be able to see deleted posts. 

Thanks to for spotting this and bringing it to my attention. I'm surprised it took this long to spot :lol: !

Deleted User 8

Actually, I saw this before but didn't bother bringing it up myself :lol:
The PM inbox limit has been increased from 200 to 1,000. 

(Thanks to for noticing that I'd never bothered changing it away from the default settings :P !)
Following a couple of incidents which happened recently, and the discussion which followed (over here), I have made a couple of changes to the 'Advertising' forum:

  • This board has been re-named to "Your Sites and Forums", and covers anything that members might want to say regarding their own websites/forums (not just advertising);
  • The "One thread per site/forum" rule is still in effect regarding advertising threads; however, threads with a clear non-advertising purpose (e.g. asking for advice) are exempt from this rule.
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