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Also, another thing I did yesterday (after making the above post): I fixed a few long-standing PHP issues (mainly PHP 8.x compatibility issues that I was unable to fix a year ago, but that I didn't bother doing anything about because they weren't causing any visible problems :P ).

Probably won't make any noticeable difference, but should at least make things more stable :) !
I've made some improvements to the alerts system, following the upgrade:

  • I noticed that there was no way to mark all alerts as Read (at least, not on the responsive themes; there was on the PC-based themes :P ). So, I've added that link to the responsive themes now:

    [Image: Ms67c4E.png]

  • Also, everything was looking a bit squashed with three columns (one containing the avatar; one containing the message; and one containing the time). So, I've restructured it with only two columns:

    [Image: W8yDftb.png]

I hope you'll agree that this is an improvement over what we had before!
discovered a bug in the alerts system, whereby clicking 'Delete' on a single alert didn't appear to do anything until the page was refreshed. And, thanks to his assistance, this bug is now fixed :) .

Furthermore, I made some additional improvements to the alerts system (on the responsive themes). Read alerts now appear faded - and there is a "Mark Read" or "Mark Unread" button, as appropriate:

[Image: Aq4pqZk.png]

Also, I added a 'Mark Read' link to the pop-up:

[Image: NvfJTcV.png]

Enjoy the new and improved alerts system :) !
And now, I've made a few more improvements to the alerts system, to stop alerts from overlapping each other :P .

Hopefully, that'll be the end of the fixes for a while :) !
I've made a few minor PHP fixes.

Shouldn't change too much, other than making things a little more stable :P .
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